NHSCT 2017/18 Financial Planning – Savings Plan – Update

The Board of the Northern Health and Social Care Trust today (Friday 13 October 2017) approved the standing down of all the ‘major and/or controversial’ proposals that were submitted under the Trust’s Savings Plan, with the exception of that relating to car parking at acute hospital sites. All of the ‘low impact’ normal in-year financial management proposals, amounting to total savings of £6.3 million will proceed as planned.

Previous consultation information
The Trust is now required to consult on the draft proposals in its 2017/18 Savings Plan in line with the Department’s policy guidance circular: Change or Withdrawal of Services – Guidance on roles and responsibilities, dated 26 November 2014.

Consultation documents

If you have any queries about these documents, and their availability in alternative formats (including Braille, disk, audio cassette and minority languages) then please contact the equality unit.

No decisions have been made and this consultation provides an opportunity for consultees to give their views on the temporary proposals.

This consultation questionnaire is available for you to complete.

We welcome your comments in any format. Please send your comments to the Equality Unit. Comments should be returned by 5 October 2017.

Locality engagement meetings in relation to the 2017/18 Financial Planning – Savings Plan have been arranged to provide the opportunity for you to hear more about the proposals and give your feedback.

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