Promoting equality in Health and Social Care

Consultation begins on our Draft Equality and Disability Action Plans

This consultation will run from 7 August to 7 November 2017

The six Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland are pleased to let you know that we are currently consulting on a number of important strategic draft documents.

There are also two local plans.

These draft plans have been shaped and developed with input from a range of stakeholders during our pre-consultation and engagement work. Please take the time to respond to our draft plans to ensure that the measures identified will help make a positive impact on the lives of our patients, service users, staff and carers – over the next five year period 2017-2022.

We are using Citizenspace, for an online survey, to engage with you and hope that this goes some way to simplifying the process of responding to our consultation.

We also recognise that some people may prefer to respond in a different way. Your views are very important to us and we welcome your comments by a variety of means such as writing to us, emailing or telephoning. Please respond to the Equality Unit.

Consultation documents

Engagement Event

We are also hosting a regional consultation event on 3 October 2017 in Ballymena. For further details on this event please contact the Equality Unit to register your interest.


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