Adults with learning disability

How to refer to Learning Disability Services

Referrals can be made by GPs and other professionals or by self-referral.

To be eligible for the service, individuals must:

  • Be aged 18 years or over
  • Provide evidence of a formal diagnosis of a Learning Disability e.g. Psychometric Assessment
  • Be a resident within the Northern Trust Area

Hospital Passport

A hospital passport is a document about you and your health needs. It also has other useful information, such as your interests, likes, dislikes, how you communicate and any reasonable adjustments that you might need.

Please ensure that your information is up to date.

Your Hospital Passport will help to let hospital staff know all about your abilities and needs. This will help them give you better care when you are in hospital.

Find out more from the HSC Hospital Passport video on YouTube.

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