Recovery Service

The Recovery Service provides short term rehabilitation tailored to the needs of the individual.

The key objective of the service is to facilitate each service user to achieve their optimum level of functional independence, thus avoiding, reducing or delaying the need for long term care and improving quality of life.

The Recovery Service offers a range of clinical pathways, including

  • Community bed-based rehabilitation
  • Home-based rehabilitation
  • Reablement
  • Community stroke rehabilitation

Criteria, reflecting the service users’ presenting condition, level of dependence, rehabilitation/reablement potential, medical support required and overall level of risk, guide the selection of the most appropriate pathway for the service user.

Service users can access the Recovery Service on discharge from NHSCT Acute/Sub-acute Hospitals, on discharge from Regional Hospitals, or from a community setting such as the client’s own home.  Referrals should be made via central referral system (028) 2563 5521 with any relevant reports being emailed to



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