Community Paediatric Medical Service

A range of community paediatric services are provided within our two Hub areas.

Northern Hub: Coleraine, Ballymoney, Ballymena
Southern Hub: Larne, Carrickfergus, Newtownabbey and Antrim.

Services include pre-school and school age assessment and management of developmental delay and disability, including medical assessment of children below five years of age with possible autistic spectrum disorder. Medical input is provided to the School Health Service and multi-disciplinary Child Development Clinics. Services are provided for pre-adoption medical assessments and annual review of some children looked after by the Trust.

Opening hours

Clinics are held in a range of locations throughout the Trust. The service is available throughout the Trust from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday – Friday. We aim to see your child at a location within your Hub area.

Community Paediatrician roles

Some of our community paediatricians have additional roles working in the paediatric in-patient units, the Paediatric ASD Diagnostic service, ADHD clinics, Consultant Paediatric Clinics, within Paediatric Palliative Care and the Rowan Sexual Assault Centre.

Covid-19 Panedmic

During the COVID19 Pandemic some of our Community Paediatric Medical Staff may be redeployed to help within the acute setting. We aim to continue with a somewhat reduced level of service. Both new and review appointments for the Community Paediatric Medical Service may be offered by telephone consultation or on some occasions by videoconferencing consultations. We remain contactable in the usual way for those families attending our service for whom we prescribe medications via the hospital pharmacy in order to help with sleep. These medications should be ordered two weeks in advance of the script running out – there is no need to order any earlier than that. The pharmacy will post them out during the Pandemic to prevent parents having to attend hospital to collect medications.

For contact details and specific information regarding a particular service you need,  access Related Services links below.

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