Where to find us

Who are we

Rheumatology is a specialty that covers the treatment of a wide range of disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system, particularly the joints and surrounding soft tissues. Specific examples include Inflammatory Arthritis (such as Rheumatoid Arthritis), Connective tissues disorders (including Lupus and vasculitis), Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and Gout.

Assessment is provided by a multidisciplinary team comprising consultant rheumatologists, specialty doctors, nurse specialists, pharmacists as well as rheumatology specific physiotherapist, occupational therapist and podiatry. Most conditions require a combination of both specific medications and non-drug approaches.


Where to find us

Most patients are looked after in the outpatient setting which can be at a variety of sites within the Northern Trust. Additionally some specific drug therapies require day-case administration at Fern House.

When attending for your appointment please look closely at your letter for where your appointment is as it may vary for each appointment.


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