New alcohol misuse projects in the Northern Trust area

Four new projects have been launched which aim to help local communities gain the skills and the knowledge to access services which can address the negative effects of alcohol misuse. The Northern Health and Social Care Trust has received funding from the Big Lottery Fund to deliver the projects under the title ‘Taking the Initiative to Reduce the Impact of Alcohol.’

Gerry McDonald, Impact of Alcohol Portfolio Manager in the Northern Trust said,

“As a result of this funding from the Big Lottery Fund, the Northern Trust has worked in partnership with a range of voluntary organisations to develop four projects to meet identified need in your area. If you are concerned about the impact of alcohol on youself, your family or community please take the initiative and contact us to discuss how one of the projects can help.”

The first project called Believe in Youth aims to reduce the physical and mental harm caused by alcohol to young people by delaying the onset of drinking through education and alcohol intervention programmes. This project will be delivered by Dunlewey Substance Advice Centre and the Northern Ireland Youth Forum. If you know of any area that could benefit from this project please telephone 028 2565 2105.

The second project called Relationships and Alcohol Misuse aims to reduce the harm caused by alcohol to families by supporting and improving family relationships. This will be done by strengthening community support and providing counselling. This project will be delivered by Relate NI and the Citizens Advice Bureau. For further information on how to get help from this project please telephone 028 9026 0882 or email

The third project called Healthy Body, Healthy Mind will increase the capacity of local community, voluntary and specialist services to recognise and support individuals and families affected by both mental health and alcohol problems. This project will be delivered by Contact and Action Mental Health. For more information on how this project could help an individual or your local community please telephone 028 9074 4499.

The fourth project offers help and support to people aged 55 years and over and their families, who are concerned about alcohol use. This project will be delivered by Addiction NI and Causeway Rural and Urban Network (CRUN). To get help from this project please telephone 028 9066 4434.

Joanne McDowell, the Big Lottery Fund’s NI Director said, “We are delighted that the Impact of Alcohol Programme is supporting community based projects like Taking the Initiative to reduce the Impact of Alcohol that are playing a key role in tackling alcohol misuse in Northern Ireland.

“By working with the Northern Trust we are building on existing expertise in this area and using this funding to respond to the range of issues affecting people, families and the wider community that have resulted from alcohol misuse.”

Overall it is hoped that these projects will have a lasting effect by giving people in your community the skills and knowledge to reduce the impact of alcohol misuse for generations to come. Individuals, families and communities need to ‘take the initiative’ now to reduce the impact of alcohol misuse and get involved with the work of these projects.

30th September 2013

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