First of its kind – New information booklet on diabetes for people with a learning disability

The Northern Health and Social Care Trust has developed an information booklet for people with a learning disability who have Type 2 Diabetes, it is the first of its kind in Northern Ireland. It has been developed in collaboration with adults who have a learning disability and contains information on all aspects of Type 2 Diabetes in a clear and easy format by using photographs and pictures. The aim is to empower people with a learning disability by giving them the knowledge they need to manage their own condition. This booklet has been funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA).

Jillian Scott, Health Facilitator in the Northern Trust, who led in the development of the booklet said, “As with the general population, the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes is on the increase amongst people with a learning disability. It was recognised that this group may find the vast amount of information on living with Type 2 Diabetes difficult to understand, meaning that they could struggle to manage their condition themselves and stay healthy. In recognition of this, it was a priority for the Trust to develop an easy-read booklet that would help the person with a learning disability to learn about what their condition is and how they make lifestyle choices to manage it more effectively. The service users who have being using the booklet so far have found it very beneficial and felt it will help them a lot in living with Type 2 Diabetes.”

Overall, the Northern Trust is currently looking at how they can improve communication to all services users with a learning disability and the diabetes booklet is part of this.

It is available on the Northern Trust website and will be distributed from all medical professionals involved in Type 2 Diabetes care. For further information or to receive a copy please contact Jillian Scott on 028 7034 7871 or email

19th November 2013

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