Condition Management Programme helps those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A pilot programme has just started in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust offering a condition management programme (CMP) for patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E). The pilot is available to all patients across the Northern Trust area and will involve 12 sessions with three and six month follow ups. It is the first condition-specific project available to patients to assist them in the self-management of their condition.

Lorraine Henry, Occupational Therapist for the Northern Health and Social Care Trust commented: “CMP has been operating in the Northern Trust for seven years, advising patients with a variety of health conditions how they can more effectively manage their health.

“When someone is referred to CMP, a Health Care Practitioner meets with them to find out what support they need and to develop an individually tailored plan and set goals to help them manage their condition and set them on the road to recovery. As a result, many patients have been able to return to employment or training.

The Northern Trust have been able to extend their service to clients who have been diagnosed with CFS/M.E. M.E is a condition that affects all areas of a person’s life, and can mean their activities are severely limited. Our programme will help a person to gain that fine balance between rest and activity, which has been shown to assist in recovery from this complex condition.

Referral is through the patients GP and advice will be given on the following topics; activity and exercise, rest and sleep, stress and pain management, diet, and communicating with significant others.

Anyone interested in the programme should speak to their GP who can then make a referral for them. For more information contact Lorraine Henry, Occupational Therapist on 028 2563 6740.

12th February 2014

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