Winners at Institute of Healthcare Management (IHM) Awards

Wini McCausland, Ward Sister, Macmillan Unit has won the RCN Nurse Manager of the Year Award and Mark Cox, Intermediate Care, Rehabilitation and Stroke Team Manager won Manager of the Year Award, at the recent Institute of Healthcare Management (IHM) Awards 2014.

Wini took up post in May 2011 as the first Macmillan Ward Manager of the new 12 bedded specialist palliative care unit at Antrim Area Hospital. She has been instrumental in the establishment and success of the Unit. Mark has been a nurse for 27 years and been acting manager of the Causeway Intermediate Rehabilitation and Stroke Team since January 2011. He has led the development of a community in-reach service for intermediate care. This involved the centralisation of services on two community hospital sites where staff could focus on rehabilitation and promotion of patient independence to reduce the reliance of patients on statutory services. The new service focused on reducing the previous inequalities in access to intermediate care beds and on streamlining the admission process.

Other Trust staff and services were also finalists at the Awards:

Patient Safety Award – Sinead O’Kane, Head of Midwifery and Dr David Morgan, Consultant Cardiologist

AHP Manager of the Year Award – Nicola Hutchinson, Dietetic Team Lead

Social Care Manager of the Year Award – Catherine Cassidy, Head of Service for Looked After Children, Adoption and Fostering Services

Medical Leader of the Year Award – Rowena Meneely, Community Equipment Services Manager

HSC Quality and Innovation Award – Development of an Electronic Medication Reconciliation System and The Psychological Therapies Service Outcomes Framework

Well done to all winners and finalists!

Pictured: Tony Stevens, Chief Executive, Wini McCausland, IHM Ward Manager of the Year, Mark Cox, IHM Manager of the Year and Una Cunning, Director PCCOPS, pictured at the IHM Awards 2014

9th December 2014

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