Service users at Rathmoyle Resource Centre learn essential skills

Service users with learning disabilities at Rathmoyle Resource Centre have recently undertaken a Northern Regional College Essential Skills course. The aim of the course was to develop their self-confidence, life skills, ICT skills and to promote healthy eating. During the course clients took part in arts and crafts, singing, sign language and ICT.

The staff at the centre supported the service users to enable them to complete modules drawn up by the Northern Regional College based on topics such as, personal hygiene, self-awareness, personal safety, art, drama, crafts, communication, money awareness, healthy awareness, glass painting etc that service users and their families chose.

Pictured are:
Annette McNaughton, Nia Davies, Ethel Irwin, Eamon Mckillop and Anthony O’Donovan, creating sponge painting.

18th May 2015

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