Colposcopy service at Antrim Area Hospital

A small number of women who attended our specialist colposcopy service at Antrim Area Hospital may have been discharged early and will require a follow up smear test. These women are being contacted today. This is very much a precautionary measure designed to provide assurances regarding the quality of our service.

We are contacting 71 women today and can advise that the Trust has set up additional clinics this week.

Dr Ken Lowry, Medical Director of the Northern Trust explained, “Any woman who has not heard directly from us by tomorrow should be reassured and need take no action.

“I understand this may cause some anxiety however I would like to empahsise that this is a precautionary measure designed to reassure women who use our services.

“We have also established an advice line which will be opened on Tuesday 9 June from 5.00pm – 11.00pm. The advice line will remain open Monday to Friday from 9.00am – 5.00pm until Tuesday 16 June. The advice line number is 028 9442 4804.”

9th June 2015

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