Northern Trust presents Annual Report

The Northern Health and Social Care Trust’s Chairman, Mr Bob McCann, today presented the Annual Report for 2014/15 to the Board of Directors.

The Trust provides a diverse range of services to over 450, 000 people. This includes treatment for over 50,000 people as inpatients, 26,500 day cases and 2.6million hours of domiciliary care. It has also acted as corporate parent to 688 Looked After Children.

Trust Chairman, Bob Mc Cann commented,
“We have seen renewed energy and performance on service improvement over the last year. I am pleased with the progress we have made in building a new senior management team and the impetus to engage our clinical staff in leading the organisation. As a result the Trust has been able to move on from a period of Turnaround to normal performance management and governance arrangements.

Reflecting on his first year, Chief Executive, Dr Tony Stevens said,
“We have faced challenges in this, my first year, with the Trust seeing, for example, an increase in Emergency Department attendances and an increase in the number of children on the child protection registers. Our staff have risen to meet these and other challenges, whilst achieving recognition on a number of occasions for the quality of their work. I would draw attention in particular to the national top hospitals award, from CHKS, which recognised both the quality and safety of our hospital services.

Similarly, the quality and innovation in practice shown within our social work teams was reflected in our service winning four of the Annual NI Social Work awards.

Dr Stevens went on to say,
”The public have every reason to expect the highest standards of care. There are areas where we have seen improvement, for example, waiting times for admission through our Emergency Departments, however I acknowledge that work remains to be done to meet fully public expectations.

“My priority in the last year has been to build public confidence in the services we provide through real engagement, tangible service improvement and genuine openness when we do not get things right.”

The annual report is available on the Northern Trust website

Pictured are Bob McCann, Chairman and DrTony Stevens, Chief Executive

28th August 2015

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