New advice booklet available for families bereaved by suicide
A new family booklet called ‘Hope and Light in the Darkness’ a collection of stories, poetry and advice for anyone bereaved by suicide has been produced by the Northern Trust’s Bereaved by Suicide Service.
This Service provides one to one support and group support to anyone bereaved by suicide aged over 18, living within the Northern Trust area and is continually led by the clients who avail of the support.
Danielle Gallagher, Service Support Officer said;
“This booklet is the second produced by the Northern Trust to give further support to all families regionally and nationally bereaved by suicide. Our first booklet ‘Mystic Poems’ helped a lot of people within the Northern Trust localities and in other areas. It is our vision that this resource will provide more in-depth stories to help other people to heal through their grief and to find comfort in the words of other families. This resource provides information on how to cope during difficult occasions, from day to day living to birthdays etc.”
The booklet was launched at a recent workshop called ‘Life after Suicide’ which aimed to explore how to cope with the death of a loved one by suicide and how to support each other in the days and months that lie ahead.
One client Angela, who has shared her story in the booklet commented:
“My reason for getting involved was not planned, I wrote poetry as a release of my pain and sorrow. I never thought they would see light of day. I was encouraged to share my poetry and story and they are now published in the booklet to help each one that reads them.”
If you would like to get a copy of this booklet or to find out more about the Bereaved by Suicide Service telephone 028 9441 3544, email or or see Bereaved by Suicide Service section.
24th August 2016