Positive Ageing Month launched for people in Ballysally, Millburn and Churchlands
Positive Ageing Month was officially launched on Monday 3 October 2016 by Eddie Lynch, the Commissioner for Older People in Northern Ireland. This initiative is led by the Northern Trust and is run in partnership with groups in the Neighbourhood Renewal areas of Coleraine – Ballysally, Millburn and Churchlands.
The aim of the month is to celebrate the contribution older people make to society and 21 different events will be held for those over 50. These include craft workshops, a history walk, classic movie showing and men’s dander football – the Positive Ageing Month caters for all tastes! The launch event focused on accident prevention and those attending were given information from the Health and Wellbeing Team in the Northern Trust and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Home Safety Officer. Stands and exhibitions were also available to promote services which support older people and their groups in the local area.
Iain McAfee, Northern Trust Health Coordinator for Neighbourhood Renewal in Coleraine, who organised the month of events explained, “Life expectancy has increased so much in recent years. There is so much to celebrate, particularly as the level of activity from and for the older people across the Neighbourhood Renewal areas in Coleraine is phenomenal. Older people make a significant contribution to society and this will be celebrated throughout the month.
“The month is an example of partnership working at its best with groups in the Neighbourhood Renewal areas and organisations who support them coming together to agree and provide this programme to the community. I would like to thank everyone who has supported and funded the programme”.
Jenna O’Hara, Project Manager, Causeway Older Active Strategic Team (COAST) welcomed this month long initiative and said, “These events are a great opportunity for our local groups to showcase the work they are already doing in the areas and to encourage other local older people to attend. We are looking forward to the celebration event at the end of the month that will show us everything that has been created and hopefully some new faces! COAST is delighted to be involved in the month and look forward to attending as many events as possible!”
For more information on what is happening during Positive Ageing Month contact Iain McAfee on 028 27661841 or email iain.mcafee@northerntrust.hscni.net.
7th October 2016