Looking after someone? New online support available for carers

2 January 2018

The Northern Trust has teamed up with Carers NI and Carers UK to offer further support to carers across this area via digital resources tailored to their needs. Carers can now have 24/7 access to a range of resources hosted on an online platform including, e-learning, “Jointly” a care co-ordination app, a self advocacy guide as well as many more links to local information and support for carers specific to the Northern Trust area. The platform can be accessed using smartphone, tablet or on a web browser. The aim of the resources is to help carers manage tasks and care.

Claire Campbell, Carers Coordinator from the Equality Unit says; “The availability of these digital resources is a great step in improving how we support carers. The e-learning is a brilliant tool to help guide carers to build networks and resilience and the Jointly app is free for carers to help them manage their caring role. Having everything together on one platform should help keep carers up to date with what’s available. Feedback so far from users has been very positive.”

To access the platform the web link is: www.carersdigital.org

Your Free Access Code is: DGTL2770

To find out more about the support available to carers in the Northern Trust area contact Claire Campbell, Northern Trust Carers Coordinator on 028 27661 3377 or email carers.coordinator@northerntrust.hscni.net.



2nd January 2018

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