Acute Co-Production Partnership Launch
22 February 2018
On Monday 12 February 2018, the Divisions of Medicine and Emergency Medicine and Surgery and Clinical Services launched the Acute Co-Production Partnership.
The Co-Production Partnership (the Partnership) connects the right people to work together to improve services, connects Service Users and Carers, Community and Voluntary Sector Organisation and Acute Hospital Services. The Partnership engages with staff and involve our patients in the delivery of their care. As health professionals we understand the synergy of working together which is evidenced in Multidisciplinary Teams and Multidisciplinary Meetings.
The Partnership provides practical tools for effective involvement at strategic and operation planning levels. Staff work together to develop confidence and strengthen capacity with a shared understanding of what matters and what needs to change.
It works to build knowledge and undertakes training in PPI and Co-production for staff directly involved in leading, managing and providing services as well as dedicated training on health care structures, service improvement/development for patients.
The Partnership provides a real opportunity to achieve positive change by creating the conditions for more shared decision making in the planning, delivery and evaluation of services.
Ashley Steele, Business Manager and PPI Co-ordinator for Acute Services said “from the 1 April 2018 all acute service change initiatives will have Personal and Public Involvement. The partnership will be able to connect services with service users, carers and other interested stakeholders to work with them when undertaking service change”.
“The Partnership will make a significant contribution towards the Acute Divisions of the Trust adopting a co-production approach to achieve the necessary changes required to deliver the world class health and social care services people deserve as out lined in Delivering Together”.
The launch event took place in Fern House and presentations where provided on Emergency Services, the work of AgeNI, Cancer Services and the work of the Patient Client Council and how to get involved.
The event outlined the purpose, context and some of the upcoming opportunities being developed by the Co-Production Partnership. Approximately 30 people attended the event and eleven individuals booked their free place at the Expert Patient Training Sessions after the event.
Expert Patient Training Sessions
Training Session 1
- Government Decisions
• Health and Care Policies and Structures
• Northern Trust Structures and CORE values
12 March 2018
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Fern House, Antrim Hospital Site
16 March 2018
10:00 am to 12 noon
Brindel Suite, Dunsilly Hotel
Training Session 2
- What to expect in a meeting?
• Drivers for change
• Service change initiatives
• What next?
20 March 2018
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Fern House, Antrim Hospital Site
22 March 2018
10:00 am to 12 noon
River Main Room, Antrim Civic Centre
Reserve your place:
Call Carla McKeown (028) 9442 4000
22nd February 2018