Ward A5 opening soon at Antrim Area Hospital

Antrim Area Hospital needs increased bed capacity to better meet the needs of the population it serves. The new Ward A5 will provide 24 hour care for medical patients seven days per week. It will increase bed capacity on the hospital site and improve the overall patient experience.

A5 will have four bays of five beds in each bay and four single ensuite side rooms. Each bay will be fully serviced, have general power socket outlets, data points and a nurse call system. The ward will have a central staff base, a clean utility, dirty utility, linen store, pantry, pharmacy room and central location for the Resuscitation Trolley.

The build is a first modular ward on site and is a bright spacious area well suited to the care of medical patients and a great environment for staff to work. The ward will be led by Sister Ruth McMullan and the Care of the Elderly Consultants with a focus on innovation and service improvement.



19th June 2019

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