Help us Shape our Children and Young People’s Health and Well-being Services

“Please take two minutes to complete this survey which could help the health and well-being of our children and young people”
This call from the Health and Well-being team at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust offers everyone the chance to highlight the well-being needs of the children and young people in their lives in a bid to improve and shape activities going forward.
Service users within the Northern Trust area have an opportunity to share their thoughts via a two minute online survey on what they feel are the essential well-being needs for young people, and what method locally would be most valued in meeting their requirements.
The Trust is keen to gather as many responses as possible through the survey as this will help inform and shape collaborative initiatives, providing services which will build resilience to live longer, healthier and more independent lives.
The team are involved in the Northern Trust area Children and Young People Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) Locality Planning Groups which bring together voluntary, community and statutory organisations working with children, young people and parents to improve children’s and young people’s well-being.
Survey results will assist in structuring these partnerships for the next few years ahead for many aspects such as health, play, learning, achievement, safety, economic and environmental wellbeing, positive contribution to society, respecting children’s rights, equality and good relations.
Please take two minutes to complete this survey via Survey Monkey;
If you’re aged 9-25, please click here to complete
If you are the parent of someone aged 0-25, please click here to complete
21st August 2020