Disclosure Log

The Northern Health and Social Care Trust’s Disclosure Log lists the responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 which the Trust feels are of wider public interest. In addition to our disclosure log, you can find more information that we make routinely available in our Publication Scheme.

For each disclosure listed, there is a brief description of what was requested, and a link to our response.

Not all information is published on the Disclosure Log, for example requests which relate to personal data or third parties will not be included. For personal data reasons, we cannot publish any requests from a complainant for correspondence on their complaint file.

Disclosure Log

Freedom of Information Requests

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
TitleDate added
FOI 2161 Performance Based Contracts04-10-2024
FOI 2244 Alliance Medical Facilities at Mid Ulster Hospital04-10-2024
FOI 2280 Proof of Lack of Availability of Specialist ME or CFS04-10-2024
FOI 2237 Mental Capacity Act.docx04-10-2024
FOI 2241 General Surgery Consultation.docx04-10-2024
FOI 2242 Getting It Right First Time04-10-2024
FOI 2170 Live Emergency Provisions20-09-2024
FOI 2112 Births By Postcode District In 2018-19 And 2023-2024.docx29-09-2024
FOI 2225 Job Description Band 5 Mortuary Lead20-09-2024
FOI 2250 Treatment Of Inflammatory Diseases.docx20-09-2024
FOI 2257 Trust Spend On Dispute Cases In The Last 10 Years.docx29-09-2024
FOI 2168 Overseas Visitors Resources29-09-2024
FOI 2288 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsies In 2023.docx29-09-2024
FOI 2163 International Recruitment From August 2023 To July 202429-09-2024
FOI 2240 Dermatology Biologic Drugs.docx20-09-2024
FOI 2253 Patient Referral Numbers.docx29-09-2024
FOI 2219 Temporary Staffing Procurement Department20-09-2024
FOI 2233 Rheumatology Drug Use.docx20-09-2024
FOI 2208 Community Respiratory Service Mapping20-09-2024
FOI 2155 Domiciliary Care20-09-2024
FOI 2205 Complementary and Alternative Medicines Offered in the Northern Trust20-09-2024
FOI 2176 Recruitment & Employment of Nurses within the Northern Trust20-09-2024
FOI 2272 NHS Waiting Lists Final.docx20-09-2024
FOI 2222 CPAP Treatment Waiting Times20-09-2024
FOI 2259 Direct Payment Assessments For Disabled Children.docx29-09-2024
FOI 2214 Financial Spend of Agency Staff29-09-2024
FOI 2207 Outsourcing and Insourcing Arrangements for ADHD and Autism Assessments20-09-2024
FOI 2096 Domestic Violence - Abuse29-09-2024
FOI 2174 Temporary Staff Waiting List Initiatives and Overtime Spend 2023 202420-09-2024
FOI 2238 Muslim Staff Employed In The Northern Trust.docx20-09-2024
FOI 2249 Podiatry Service20-09-2024
FOI 2166 Disaster Recovery20-09-2024
FOI 2175 Menopause at Work Policy20-09-2024
FOI 2212 Cervical Cancer Statistics20-09-2024
FOI 2235 Treatment And Management Of Patients With Lupus20-09-2024
FOI 2180 Statutory Sick Pay20-09-2024
FOI 2203 Childcare Provision Offered20-09-2024
FOI 2224 Support and Accommodations offered to disabled Doctors and Medical Students for the Northern Trust20-09-2024
FOI 2223 Information Governance Department Structure20-09-2024
FOI 2213 Independent Care Providers for Nursing and Residential Care20-09-2024


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