Access to Health Records (Deceased Individuals)

Access to Health Records (Deceased Individuals)

Requests for access to deceased individuals’ records are covered under the Access to Health (NI) Order 1993.

There are a number of ways that you can make this request.

  1. Download and complete the Access to a deceased patient’s healthcare records form and either email or post it to the Trust’s Information Governance Department.
    If you wish to receive this form by post or email, please phone 028 2766 1293 or email
  2. Write or email your request and relevant documentation to
  3. Alternatively, we will providing access to an online form.  Details will be published soon.

Who can apply for a deceased individuals’ records?

Under this legislation, only the following people can apply for records of a deceased individual:

  • Personal representative of the deceased (administrator or executor of deceased’s estate/will)
  • Individual with a claim arising from the death of the individual, for example, a life insurance claim requiring supporting medical evidence

The role of Next of Kin to the deceased service user does not meet the criteria under the legislation.

Please note that the legislation only permits access to hospital records and does not include community or social care records.

What happens when we receive your request?

On receipt of your request, we may need to contact you to clarify the information you have requested or obtain the necessary supporting documentation. Please ensure you have provided either an email address or contact telephone number.

Access to Health Records requests are currently free of charge.

Under the Access to Health Order, we have 40 days to provide the information you have requested. However, if last point of contact with service was within the previous 40 days, the Order reduces the timeframe to 21 days for a response.

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