Equality and Rural Needs
Equality and Disability Action Plans
The Northern Trust, in partnership with the four other health and social care trusts in the region and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Trust, have worked collaboratively on the development of their new five year Disability Action Plan and Equality Action Plan (2024-29) which outline actions and initiatives to address section 75 inequalities, improve equality of opportunity, promote positive attitudes for disabled people and improve their participation in public life.
The actions in the plans have been shaped by an audit of inequalities, engagement with experts by experience and key stakeholders and formal consultation. The Consultation Feedback Report, and associated easy read versions, details how the feedback we received shaped the plans.
The Trust will report annually on our progress against the Plans via our S75 Annual Progress Report to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI), which is submitted at the end of August each year and is available on the website or by contacting the Trust Equality Unit.
Equality and Disability Action Plans
The Trust has revised its Audit of Inequalities document which has helped identify the inequalities to be addressed in our plans.
Equality Scheme
Our Equality Scheme sets out how the Trust will fulfil its equality duties. The Trust’s Equality Scheme has been approved by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. The Scheme outlines what we intend to do to improve fair and equal access to services and employment. In approving the Scheme the Equality Commission commended the Trust for adopting the best practice in promoting equality and going beyond the minimum legal obligations in order to do so.
The Scheme is available, on request, in accessible formats, including Easy Read, Braille, audio formats (CD, mp3 or DAISY), large print or minority languages.
Disability Equality Training
Our Disability Equality video has been co-designed and is delivered by people who have a disability and is a valuable resource to help ensure service users, carers and work colleagues are treated fairly, with respect and dignity.
Annual Progress Reports
Each year the Trust publishes a progress report detailing how we are promoting equality of opportunity and implementing the commitments in our Equality Scheme.
It is here that you will find what we are doing to meet our legal duties on equality of opportunity and find information on what progress we are making with screening and equality impact assessment of our policies and functions.
Equality news
Good Relations
The Northern Trust is committed to the promotion of good relations amongst people of different religious belief, racial group or political opinion. During Good Relations week 2020, the six health and social care trusts engaged with a number of stakeholders to produce a consistent, clear and unequivocal statement for the HSC Sector to outline our pledge to promote Good Relations amongst everyone – our patients, service users, carers, visitors and staff. Consensus was reached on the following statement. The statement will be prominently displayed throughout Health and Social Care facilities in Northern Ireland to remind everyone of this important commitment.
Good Relations Statement
Good Relations Statement Banner Easy Read Version PDF
Screening: Policies and proposals
In keeping with the Trust’s commitments in its Equality Scheme the Trust has screened its new policies and proposals. The screening process is used to identify which policies/proposals are likely to have an impact on equality of opportunity or good relations. Screening assesses the likely impact as major, minor or none. If it is decided that a policy/proposal is likely to have significant/major issues relating to equality, it is then necessary to carry out a more detailed exercise called an equality impact assessment (EQIA).
Rural Needs Reporting Template
Multi- Cultural beliefs
The Multi Cultural Beliefs Handbook provides guidelines for treating people with different religions and/or beliefs. It includes general guidelines on cultural diversity, a culturally sensitive health and social care checklist, a section on spiritual and religious needs assessment and details on interpreting and translation services.
Promoting Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights
Equality Guidance for board members helps to ensure that all board Members are aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to equality, good relations and human rights and the integration of Section 75 duties across all Trust functions including areas such as service provision, policy formulation, employment and procurement.
Interpreting and Translation Services
We are committed to ensuring that people understand the treatment and support options available. If you require an interpreter, please use our Interpreting and Translation Services.
Rural Needs
This Toolkit seeks to help those in the health and social care sectors to address the needs of their rural populations when they develop strategies, initiatives and service delivery plans.
Rural needs toolkit for Health and Social Care
Winter Pressures and Resilience Plan Rural Needs Assessment 2020
Rural Needs Annual Monitoring 2020 – 2021
Rural Needs Annual Monitoring 2021 – 2022
Rural Needs Annual Monitoring 2022 -2023
Rural Needs Annual Monitoring 2023-2024