Audrey Harris, Divisional Director Medicine and Emergency Medicine
Audrey has been a Registered General Nurse since 1991 and is a graduate of the Ulster University with a Specialist Practice qualification. Audrey has worked in Health and Social Care since qualifying in various roles across community and acute settings. She moved to the Northern Trust in 2003 as a District Nursing Sister and has held roles as an Integrated Team Manager, Community Lead Nurse, General Manager and worked within the Community Division in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust until 2017. Audrey was appointed to the role of Assistant Director of Emergency Medicine covering Antrim, Causeway and Whiteabbey Hospital sites in March 2017. From July 2020, she was Interim Director of Medicine and Emergency Medicine with responsibility for Emergency Medicine, Specialty Medicine and Trust-wide Dietetic services and was appointed Divisional Director Medicine and Emergency Medicine on 6 October 2022.