Consultation: Mental Health Inpatient Services

We have developed our mental health services over recent years and the vast majority of people now receive support in their own homes and communities. We know that some people still require an inpatient admission and we believe that this should be to a high standard of care within appropriate accommodation.

We have developed a consultation document which outlines our proposal to develop a new, purpose built Mental Health Inpatient Unit for the Northern Trust area. The document details our current acute mental health services and why we feel they need to change. The document also asks for your views on our proposal and outlines how you can tell us what you think.

Consultation letter – Reprovision of mental health inpatient services
Consultation document – Reprovision of mental health inpatient services
Outline Business Case for the Reprovision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
Equality Impact Assessment – Reprovision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
Your comments proforma – Reprovision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
Feedback letter – Reprovision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
Feedback report – Reprovision of Mental Health Inpatient Services

If you have any queries please contact the Equality Unit.


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