Consultation on Refurbishment of the Robinson Memorial Community Hospital
We have developed a consultation document which details why we believe we need to modernise the Robinson Community Hospital. We hope through the proposed changes to be able to improve the experience for future service users and staff working in the Hospital.
Robinson Memorial Community Hospital Consultation Document
In keeping with the commitments in our Equality Scheme we have carried out an equality screening of this proposal. We have also carried out a Rural Needs Impact Assessment.
Equality Good Relations And Human Rights Screening
Rural Needs Impact Assessment
We welcome your views on our proposal.
We are consulting for 12 weeks beginning 28 May 2021. Comments should be returned to the Equality Unit by 20 August 2021.
Refurbishment Of Robinson Hospital Consultation Feedback Report Nov 2021
If you have any queries about these documents, and their availability in alternative formats (including Braille, disk, audio cassette and minority languages) please contact the Equality Unit on 028 2766 1377 or email