Outcome of our review of short breaks for adults with learning disabilities
We have carried out a review of our short breaks service and we would like to consult with you on the outcome and how we propose to provide short breaks in the future. We aim to provide a more flexible and tailored short break service and we look forward to the period of consultation to give us an opportunity to listen to your views.
Consultation documents
Should you require the documents in an alternative format (including Braille, disk, audio cassette and minority languages), please contact the Equality Unit at equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net or telephone 028 2766 1377 or Text Mobile 0782 566 7154.
Comments should be returned to the Equality Unit by 31 January 2017.
If you have any queries about these documents, and their availability in alternative formats (including Braille, disk, audio cassette and minority languages) then please contact the Equality Unit.
The consultation feedback report provides a summary of the feedback received as a result of the period of public consultation.