Purchase of domiciliary care by non statutory providers

The Northern Trust currently provides domiciliary care services to over 5,000 service users in their own homes. Domiciliary care is the term used to describe a range of social care services put in place to support a service user in their own home. These services are currently delivered by both statutory and non-statutory providers. Non- statutory service providers include a range of independent providers such as private companies and voluntary organisations.

We are now consulting on our proposed new arrangements for purchasing domiciliary care services from non-statutory providers with a tender process commencing April / May 2018.

Consultation documents

If you would like us to send you a copy of the consultation document or screening template please contact the Trust’s Equality Unit on 028 2766 1377 or email equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net.

If you have any queries about these documents, and their availability in alternative formats (including Braille, disk, audio cassette and minority languages) then please contact the equality unit.

We welcome your comments in any format. Please send your comments to the Equality Unit.

Comments should be returned by 26 January 2018.

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