Consultation: Section 75 Action Based Plan and Disability Action Plan

The Trust, in Partnership with the other Health and Social Care Trusts, is currently engaged in a public consultation exercise regarding its new draft Section 75 Action Based Plan and Disability Action Plan. We are consulting for a period of 12 weeks commencing 26 March and finishing on 19 June 2014.

Should you require the documents in an alternative format (e.g. Easyread, minority ethnic language, DAISY, large print or hard copy), please contact the Equality Unit.

Trusts will continue to work collaboratively throughout the consultation process and will jointly hold workshops, focus groups or one to one meetings in 2014. The Trust is committed to the fulfilment of their statutory duties – to promote equality of opportunity and to promote good relations for those across the Section 75 categories.

We welcome your views on our draft Plans. Comments should be returned to Equality Unit by 19 June 2014.

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