Draft HSC Disability and Equality Action Plans 2023-2028


The six Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland have worked in partnership to develop new draft Equality and Disability Action Plans for 2023-28.

These draft equality and disability action plans outline the proposed actions to be taken forward by the Health and Social Care Trusts over the next 5 years to address Section 75 inequalities, and to promote positive attitudes towards people with a disability and to encourage participation in public life.  The draft plans have been informed by an audit of inequalities and engagement with experts by experience and key stakeholders.

We are now seeking views on our draft Equality and Disability Action Plans and welcome your feedback regarding the potential impact of our proposed actions or how they could be improved.

We are keen to hear from anyone – service users, carers, staff and trade unions and we value input from those with lived experience.

Consultation period

We are consulting for 16 weeks from 5 June 2023 until 30 September 2023.

All comments should be returned to the Northern Health and Social Care Trust Equality Unit.

Consultation Documents

Consultation Letter
Consultation Letter Easy Read
Draft Equality Action Plan
Draft Equality Action Plan Easy Read
Draft Disability Action Plan
Draft Disability Action Plan Easy Read

Audit of Inequalities

ISL and BSL Translations of draft plans

What Do You Think ISL

Disability Action ISL

Equality Action ISL

What Do You Think BSL

Disability Action BSL

Equality Action BSL

How to give your feedback

You can provide your feedback on the draft plans by completing the consultation proforma.  We also have a word version of the consultation proforma available.

Alternatively, we welcome your views in any format.  Please contact the Equality Unit at 028 2766 1377 or equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net

You can write to the Equality Unit at Route Complex, 8e Coleraine Road, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, BT53 6BP.

Alternative Formats

If you have any queries about the consultation documents, and their availability in alternative formats (including Braille, disk, audio and minority languages), please contact the Equality Unit on equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net or telephone 028 2766 1377.

English:  This document can be made available in minority ethnic languages, on request, to meet the needs of those not fluent in English.

Polish:  Aby wyjść naprzeciw potrzebom osób, które nie mówią biegle po angielsku, ten Plan Działania może być udostępniony w językach mniejszości etnicznych na życzenie.

Lithuanian:  Šis veiksmų Planas pareikalavus gali būti pateiktas tautiniu mažumu kalbomis, kad atitiktų sklandžiai nemokančių anglų kalbos poreikius.

Portuguese:  O Plano de Ação está disponível, à pedido, em outras línguas, para atender às necessidades das pessoas que não são fluentes na língua Inglesa.

Tetum:  Aksaun Planu ida né,se bele fo ou halo iha liafuan etnika minoria sira nian, nebe bele husu, para bele ajuda ba ema sira nebe la hatene koalia lian Inglés.

Latvian:  Šis darbības plāns var būt pieejams mazākumtautību valodās pēc pieprasījuma, lai palīdzētu tiem, kam ir nepietiekamas angļu valodas zināšanas.

Russian:  Сейчас план проводимой работы может быть доступен так же на языках этнических меньшинств, по просьбе тех, кто не владеет свободно английским языком.

Czech:  ‘Aby byly uspokojeny potřeby těch, kteří nemluví plynule anglicky, je možné tento návrh Akčního plánu na požádání poskytnout v jazycích etnických menšin.’

Slovak:  Tento Akčný Plán môže byť na požiadanie dostupný v jazykoch národnostných menšín z dôvodu zabezpečenia potrieb tých, ktorí nie sú spôsobilí mu porozumieť v angličtine.

Chinese- (Cantonese):這行動計劃草案將會根據需求被翻譯成各種小數族裔語言去迎合那些英語不流利的人士的需要


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