Benefits of stop smoking
It is never too late to quit. Immediate benefits will be seen from giving up smoking.
When you stop smoking:
After 20 minutes
Blood pressure and pulse return to normal
After 8 hours
Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduce by half and oxygen levels return to normal.
After 24 hours
Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body
After 48 hours
There is no nicotine left in the body.
After 72 hours
Breathing becomes easier
After 3-9 months
Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function increases
After one year
Risk of heart attack is half that of a smoker
After 10 years
Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker
- Improved sense of taste and smell
- More money
- More energy
- Clearer, less irritated eyes
- Feeling more relaxed
- Wake up feeling better
- Fewer allergy and sinus problems
- Improvement in existing problems such as asthma, diabetes and emphysema
- Improved appearance