For people of working age

There are different types of financial help available to people under 65. See the list below to find out which ones are relevant to you.

  • Sick Pay (statutory, occupational or company sick pay): Ask your employer if statutory sick pay (SSP) and occupational or company sick pay are relevant to you.
  • Employment and Support Allowance: Employment and Support Allowance is paid to people of working age who cannot work due to illness or disability but who do not receive statutory sick pay.
  • Incapacity Benefit: This was in place before Employment Support Allowance and is only relevant with existing claims.
  • Income Support: Income support is a means-tested benefit for people of working age on a low income, who meet certain criteria, and is intended to cover basic living expenses.
  • Income Tax Refund: You may be eligible for a tax refund if you have to give up work and your income falls.
  • Working Tax Credit: Working Tax Credit is a payment made to working people on a low income to top up their earnings and can be claimed for up to 28 weeks after you have to give up work.
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance: If you are under pensionable age and capable of working, Jobseeker’s Allowance can give you a weekly income while you look for work.
  • Disability Living Allowance: This is a benefit paid to those under 65 who have more care and mobility needs than another person of their age and is only relevant for existing claims as from June 2016 it has been replaced by PIP (Personal Independence Payment).       DLA will continue to be claimed for children aged under 16.
  • Universal Credit: Universal Credit is a new single payment for people who are looking for work or on a low income. This is being phased in from September 2017 and will be in all areas in Northern Ireland by September 2018. It will replace means tested benefits such as Income support, housing benefit and tax credits. You can check if it is in in your area by entering you post code at
  • Personal Independence Payment:  Known as PIP, this came into Northern Ireland in June 2016. It replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for those of working age and looks at personal care and mobility needs.
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit: You may be eligible for this benefit if you have become ill or disabled as a result of your work, even if the effects are not apparent until years later.
  • Carers Allowance: This benefit can be paid to someone under pension age who is a carer, but as this can affect the benefits of the person being cared for it is important that this be considered before applying.

For more information visit the financial support tool on the Macmillan Cancer Support website.

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