
Angry childAnger is one of many emotions that we all experience. It is perfectly normal to feel angry about something that has happened.  However anger can become a problem when you express it through unhelpful behaviour towards yourself or others. This can look like:

Hitting or psychically hurting others

  • Losing control
  • Breaking things
  • Shouting at people
  • Getting into trouble at school

Anger can also present internally in our minds, this can look like:

  • Negative self-talk such as “I always forget”, “I’m rubbish at this”
  • Low self-esteem

Reasons for feeling angry

Everyone feels angry sometimes for reasons such as:

  • Feeling powerless or frustrated
  • Feeling misunderstood
  • Feeling confused about sexuality
  • Falling out with friends
  • Problems at home or school

What happens to our bodies when we feel angry?

We notice differences in our bodies as they sync with our thoughts when we get angry, some things that happen to our bodies are:

  • Fast heart beat
  • Sweating
  • Muscle tension
  • Red face
  • Sore head

Coping with anger

While being angry can sometimes feel overwhelming, there are things you can try to help bring the feeling down to a manageable level, such as:

  • Remove yourself from the situation
  • Count to 10 before reacting to anything
  • Keep an anger diary: capture your thoughts and feelings, what made you angry? What did you do after you felt that way? How did you react? Is there a different way you could have reacted? Writing your thoughts down will help you reflect on the situation and also help you recognise what is triggering angry outbursts
  • Eat some food you like
  • Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling
  • Go to a safe space
  • Listen to music


Anger Management for Teens: Helpful Worksheets & Resources (
5 Ways to Know Your Feelings Better (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth


What to do if you are struggling with anger | YoungMinds
Anger Management for Teen (


How to deal with anger and anger management tips | headspace – YouTube
Monitor and manage your anger | Think Out Loud with Jay Shetty – YouTube

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