12 months

Just because your child is not performing everything at the selected times does not mean there is something wrong. Some children take a little bit longer to be able to do things on their own. Your child requires stimulation and opportunity to learn and develop. For guidance on age appropriate activities please look at play and ideas.

Child developmental stages

12 months

  • Oh look I can get up onto my hands and knees.
  • Now I can explore more and crawl about the house.
  • When I get to furniture I can pull myself up to stand.
  • I can walk along the furniture too.
  • I can point my finger.
  • I like to pick up tiny things between my finger and thumb.
  • I can give toys back to you.
  • I like to put my toys in and out of boxes.
  • I like to drop toys and watch them fall.
  • I can, ‘wave bye-bye’ and clap my hands, when you ask me.
  • I understand the word “NO”
  • I like to hold a spoon and try to feed myself.
  • I like to eat lots of different foods

If you are concerned about how your child is doing any of the above activities please ask your health visitor for advice and guidance.

Areas for concern at 12 months

The guide below indicates when you should seek further advice if your child is not making progress towards their age specific targets. Please seek further advice from your health visitor or GP.

If your baby –

  • Does not standing when held.
  • Does not turn towards the speaker when his name is called
  • Does not babble
  • Does not enjoy interactive games such as ‘peek-a-boo’
  • Uses one hand more than the other or if they favour one side
  • Does not clap hands or point to objects.
  • Cannot manage a variety of different textured and lumpy foods

Play ideas

A better start in life: Play ideas 9 to 12 months
Produced by the Paediatric Occupational Therapy Department, Royal Free London.

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