Dalriada Rural Sure Start

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Dalriada Rural SureStart

We provide wide ranging support for families with young children from the antenatal period up until their 4th Birthday. Our service covers Bushmills, Ballycastle, Rathlin Island, Armoy, Mosside and areas of Ballymoney. Services are provided in our centres, community venues and in the home.


Health Visiting

We provide one on one support and advice on a wide range of health topics.

We provide courses such as baby massage, baby yoga, baby reflexology, Incredible Babies and Incredible toddlers. We also offer Breast feeding support groups and antenatal groups and workshops.

Family Visiting

We provide a Home Visiting service to encourage social and well-being support to parents.

We also provide workshops and programmes for children aged 0-3years. We provide parent well-being sessions offering parents time to socialise, craft and enjoy self-care.

 Early Years Team

We provide the Developmental Programme for 2-3 year olds which aims to improve learning by encouraging play, language skills and social interaction skills for children.

We also provide Crèche allowing parents the opportunity to take part in SureStart courses and workshops.

Speech and Language Therapy

We provide speech, language and communication support, information and advice for antenatal parents and those with children 0-3 years of age.

We also provide training to SureStart staff to encourage Speech Language and Communication skills.


Please see our Dalriada Rural Sure Start Facebook Page for up to date details of programmes and events currently available.

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