Domestic Services
The role of Domestic Services is to effectively decontaminate the environment and equipment which is essential to successfully control and reduce the transmission of Health Care Associated Infections to deliver the highest possible quality of Environmental Cleanliness standards for patients, service owners, visitors and staff.
Domestic services provide a clean and safe environment in all Trust facilities. Our practices and procedures are in line with Infection Control guidelines to prevent the spread of infection and our staff work as part of the Nursing and User Experience Directorate.
Domestic services provide a cleaning service in Acute/Sub Acute, Community Hospitals and community facilities including, adult, day, health and resource centres. A cleaning service is also provided for residential and office accommodation throughout the Trust.
Domestic Services staff are part of a well-trained and motivated workforce.
Duties include;
- Damp dusting of furniture and fittings
- High and low level dusting
- Dust control, mopping and vacuuming floors
- Cleaning of all sanitary areas
Working as part of a mult-disciplinary Team within hospitals to deliver an Intensive Clean Programme which is designed to provide additional cleaning in wards and clinical areas not possible when the patients are present. This provides an opportunity to de-clutter the ward/department of unnecessary items and stores.
Providing a Rapid Response Cleaning service in Antrim and Causeway Hospitals for discharge cleans of non-infected patients/terminal cleans for infected areas as well as assisting with specific cleaning requests in response to infection control priorities.
- Providing additional cleaning services such as carpet shampooing and wall washing.
- Preparing and serving food and beverages for patients and service owners in some areas.
Daily Observational Checks are completed. The findings are shared with the Ward Sister/Nurse in Charge who signs off the checklist.
Cleanliness Matters Audits are completed in partnership with Nursing Staff. The Domestic Services Supervisor completes the Cleanliness Matters Audit using a bespoke software package on a hand held devise. The compliance scores for very high and high risk wards/departments is 90%, for moderate risk areas is 85% and for low risk areas is 80%.
Regional Cleanliness Audits are completed annually in Wards and Department using the Regional Healthcare Hygiene and Cleanliness Audit Tool.
Patient Environment Leadership Walkabouts are conducted several times per month. This is a multi-disciplinary approach, led by Domestic Services Management. Wards and Departments are inspected and any issues noted are included in an action plan.