Children’s Occupational Therapy Service

The Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service provides community based care for children and young people from birth to 18 years of age (19 years in special schools) with motor, sensory and/or learning disabilities.
Services include:

Specialist equipment

Equipment is provided which enables the child to function safely in the community. This includes specialist seating for feeding and positioning, wheelchairs, toilet aids, bathing/showering aids and mobility aids.

Major/minor adaptations

Adaptations are made to the child’s home. This is carried out through interagency working between the Trust and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE)/Housing Associations.

School Access Studies

School Access Studies are carried out for children with disabilities in mainstream school.

Pre-school service

Assessment and treatment of pre-school aged children is offered in a clinic setting.

Special school service

Occupational therapists provide services to seven special schools in the Trust. This requires close collaborative working with the Education Authority and local school principals.

Mainstream paediatric occupational therapy service

In addition to assessment and treatment of the children, training to school staff and/or advice in the classroom is also provided. Parent workshops are offered on a regular basis where parents can understand their child’s difficulties and learn strategies that may help in their management.

Complex health needs clinical specialist occupational therapist

The complex health needs clinical specialist occupational therapist will, in addition to assessment and treatment of children, provide training and support to parents, carers and other occupational therapy staff. They are also closely involved in hospital discharge planning.

Neonatal Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist

The neonatal clinical specialist occupational therapist will assess, treat and offer support to parents & carers of babies in the Neonatal unit. These babies will be followed through to home and discharge.

Children’s wheelchair clinical specialist occupational therapist

The children’s wheelchair clinical specialist is available through the Trust Wheelchair Service. They carry out complex wheelchair assessments and provide staff training and support.


A small team of occupational therapists with a specialist interest in upper limb splinting have clinics on a regular basis at different bases across the Trust.

The Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service also provides assistive technology and input into multi-disciplinary child development clinics.

Hours of opening

The Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service is available from 9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday.




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