Community Integrated Teams
Community Integrated Teams are made up of a range of health and social care staff working together to offer service users a better quality service, with easier access to the services required.
There are 14 Community Integrated Teams across the Northern Trust area. These teams provide a service from 9.00 am – 5.00 pm, Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays).
How to access the service:
You can refer yourself or be referred by a family member, GP or by a health care professional.
If you have any general enquiries, or are already a user of this service, please contact the appropriate team directly on one of the numbers listed below.
Please note the teams are aligned to GP practices, therefore please contact the team aligned to your GP practice.
Treatment and services are provided through:
- District nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Social care/Social work
Community District Nursing Service
District nursing services provide nursing interventions and care to patients within their own home and provide support for carers.
The District Nursing Service also works closely with General Practitioners (GPs) and other health care professionals to provide a service tailored to meet individual needs.
District nursing helps patients cope with ill health and disability thus allowing them to reach the best possibility of life, whilst maintaining dignity and respect.
Occupational therapists help people to achieve and maintain independence in such daily living activities as washing or dressing. They also provide support to older people to enable them to remain safe and independent within their own home.
Social workers within Community Integrated Teams, assess the social care needs of people aged over 65 and their carers. They work with a range of other professionals and agencies to arrange care packages to assist those who require care to remain living at home.
Our social work staff will provide a care assessment for those service users with complex social needs and provide social services to support those with identified care needs.