Long Term Health Conditions


Alzheimer’s Society Helpline
Alzheimer’s Society is an organisation which works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 7 days a week. Monday to Wednesday 9:00am to 8:00pm, Thursday and Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Saturday and Sunday 10:00am to 4:00pm.
30 Skegoneill St, Belfast, BT15 3JL
Tel: 028 9066 4100
Email: nir@alzheimers.org.uk
For more information go to www.alzheimers.org.uk/northernireland/

Dementia Navigator Service
Memory Service, Ferrard House, Station Road,  Antrim BT41 4AB
Tel :  028 9441 5767
Email: thomas.branigan@northerntrust.hscni.net


Versus Arthritis (formerly Arthritis Care NI)
Versus Arthritis has over 20 local branches and groups across Northern Ireland providing support and encouragement for their members through a range of activities and social events. They offer the opportunity to meet other people in a similar situation, share experiences and build friendships.
Antrim Day Centre, 32 Station Rd, Antrim, 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm
Tel: 028 9078 2940
Helpline Tel: 080 8800 4050
For more information go to www.versusarthritis.org

Versus Arthritis Carrickfergus Local Group
Versus Arthritis has over 20 local branches and groups across Northern Ireland providing support and encouragement for their members through a range of activities and social events. They offer the opportunity to meet other people in a similar situation, share experiences and build friendships
Hawthorne Day Centre,, Ellis Street,  Carrickfergus, first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm
Tel: 028 9078 2940
For more information go to www.versusarthritis.org


Action Cancer Appointments Service
Action Cancer is Northern Ireland’s leading, local cancer charity. Our mission is to save lives and support local people through cancer awareness, prevention, detection and support. Breast Screening, MOT Health checks, Support, Therapeutic Services, Counselling or Complementary Therapy. Book appointments at a location near you by telephone or online.
Various locations thoughout the Northern Trust
Tel: 028 9080 3344
Email: info@actioncancer.org
For more information go to www.actioncancer.org/Appointments

Cancer Focus Patient Support
Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is here to help you, your family and carers when you’re affected by cancer. We have a wide range of one-to-one and group patient support services to help you. Our services include counselling, art therapy, a bra-fitting service, family support and much more.
Tel: 0800 783 3339
Email: care@cancerfocusni.org
For more information see go to http://cancerfocusni.org/patient-support/

Cancer Survivorship Directory
A directory of support for those living with cancer, their carers and families. Directory of cancer support services in the northern trust area.
For more information go to http://survivorship.cancerni.net/

NHSCT Cancer Services Website
Website for those living with cancer, their carers and families.
For more information go to http://nhsctcancerservices.hscni.net/

At Macmillan, we know how a cancer diagnosis can affect everything. So we’re here to support you and help you take back some control in your life. From help with money worries and advice about work, to someone who’ll listen if you just want to talk, we’re here. Services in this area include a volunteer service, helpline, welfare rights, information and support, complimentary therapy, meal time companions.
Helpline: 0808 808 0000
Contact Tel: 028 9442 4394
For more information go to www.macmillan.org.uk

Marie Curie Helper Service
The Marie Curie Helper service is provided by trained volunteers who visit people in their homes offering companionship and support for up to three hours each week, all completely free of charge. Our service aims to fill the gap in meeting the emotional support needs of people with a terminal illness, and those of their carers. It also enables carers to cope better and continue with their caring role.
Tel: 0845 302 4851
Email: NIhelper@mariecurie.org.uk
For more information go to www.mariecurie.org.uk

Marie Curie Nursing Service
Marie Curie Nurses and Health Care Assistants provide nursing care and support for people in their own homes. They are available 24 hours of the day, seven days a week. They work closely with the district nurse with the aim of providing the care that is right for you when you need it most.  Each visit may vary in length based on individual care requirements
Tel: 0800 716 146
Out of Hours Nursing Service
Tel: 028 2566 3500
For more information go to www.mariecurie.org.uk

Chest, Heart and Stroke

British Heart Foundation
The British Heart Foundation seeks to support and help those suffering from heart disease.
Tel: 028 9053 8301
Helpline Tel: 030 0330 3311
For more information go to www.bhf.org.uk

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke
NI Chest Heart and stroke seeks to help those with chest, heart and stroke illnesses through a number of services such as Care Services, Support Groups, Health Promotion, Information and Advice.
Tel: 028 9032 0184

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke – Antrim Stroke Family Support
Practical and emotional support for the family and carers of people affected by stroke.
Contact Tel: 077 9397 9869
Email: ggibson@nichs.org.uk

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke – Stroke Support Groups
Practical and emotional support and advice for people living with the long term consequences of stroke is provided. A programme of activities are in place such as information and advice on the effects of stroke, secondary prevention and health education, peer support, practical and emotional support and information and signposting to services.
Tullygarley Community Centre, Ballymena, Thursday’s 10:30am to 12:30pm.  Groups normally meet weekly (except July and August)
Tel: 079 7311 7059

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke – Cardiac Support Groups
Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association
Description: Cardiac Support Walking Group for people with heart disease.
Causeway Hospital, Tuesdays at 2:30pm

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke – Stroke Support Groups Carrickfergus and Larne
Practical and emotional support and advice for people living with the long term consequences of stroke is provided. A programme of activities are in place such as information and advice on the effects of stroke, secondary prevention and health education, peer support, practical and emotional support and information and signposting to services.
Amphitheatre Carrickfergus Leisure Centre, Carrickfergus
Groups normally meet weekly (except July and August)
Tel: 077 9397 9869
Email: ggibson@nichs.org.uk
For more information go to www.nichs.org.uk/

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke – Respiratory Support Groups
Practical and emotional support and advice for people living with long term lung disease, e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), including Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. A programme of activities is in place to meet these objectives including secondary prevention and health education as well as peer support.
Courtyard Theatre, Ballyearl Leisure Centre, Newtownabbey, 1st Monday of the month, 11:00am
Tel: 079 1204 6173

Newtownabbey Stroke Club
Newtownabbey Stroke Club is a voluntary support group for stroke survivors, family and friends and incudes a varied programme of guest speakers, activities, outings etc. All are made very welcome .
St Brigid’s Fold common room, 50 Ballyclare Road, Glengormley, Newtownabbey, BT36 5DX, 1st Wednesday of the month at 8:00pm.
Tel:  028 9080 1315

Stroke Association
The Stroke Association provides a number of vital support services across the country to help those affected by stroke to regain their lives.
Tel: 028 9050 8020
Tel: 030 3303 3100
For more information go to www.stroke.org.uk

Stroke Association and Cruse Beyond Words Project
Beyond Words is a partnership project between Cruse and the Stroke Association. It will provide a range of bereavement services for: People over 60 Stroke survivors and their carers and those living in sheltered accommodation.
Project Coordinator: Sharon Millar 079 4727 3767
Various locations
Tel: 028 9050 8020

Stroke Association Newtownabbey Stroke Survivors Group
At the local stroke survivors group participants can meet others affected by stroke and share experiences  and tips for dealing with the condition as well as enjoying a range of activities.  The stroke group offers information about stroke and local services, range of social activities, help in regaining confidence after a stroke, a warm welcome and a friendly face and the opportunity to talk to someone who understands.
Mossley Pavilion, Carnmoney Road North, Newtownabbey, BT36 5QA, every Thursday, 10:00am to 12:00am
Tel: 028 9050 8020
Email: ni@stroke.org.uk
For more information go to www.stroke.org.uk/


Voluntary organisation providing support and information to those affected by depressive illnesses across Northern Ireland.
Tel:  028 9035 7820
Helpline Tel : 084 5120 2961
Email: info@awareni.org
For more information go to www.aware-ni.org


Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK is a charity which aims to support people living with diabetes.
Tel: 028 9066 6646
For more information go to www.diabetes.org.uk

Diabetes UK Newtownabbey Voluntary Diabetes Group 
A support group for all those living with diabetes their friends and family.  Support and advice about managing diabetes and a varied programme of activities. Everyone is made very welcome.
Boardroom,  Whiteabbey Hospital, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, 2nd Tuesday in the month, 8:00pm – 9:30pm
Tel: 028 9029 4967


Epilepsy Action
Epilepsy Action Northern Ireland. Raises awareness and increases understanding of epilepsy, Lobbies and campaigns for a better future for people with epilepsy. Supports people through our network of volunteers, branches and groups. Organises information events for both people living with epilepsy and health professionals. Organises and supports local fundraising events. Epilepsy Action Northern Ireland provides epilepsy awareness training sessions to groups who want to learn more about epilepsy. These include private employers, healthcare and service providers and schools.
Tel: 028 9063 4942
Email: cwatson@epilepsy.org.uk
For more information go to www.epilepsy.org.uk

Hearing Loss

Action On Hearing Loss (previously RNID)
Provides a range of services for people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus. We provide information about hearing loss and equipment that can help and deliver basic hearing checks. We also run local Hearing Aid User Support Sessions in association with the Northern Trust at various locations where NHS hearing aid users can receive free one to one support with hearing aids.
Tel: 028 9023 9619
Email: information.nireland@hearingloss.org.uk
For more information about Action on Hearing Loss services go to www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk/northernireland
To find details of your nearest Hearing Aid User Support Session go to http://www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk/hearing-aid-support-service-ni

RNIB Community Access Worker & Support Group Antrim
Social Activities and Support for people living with Sight Loss
Antrim, Larne, Carrickfergus and Newtonabbey
Tel: Sharon McClure 028 944 24322/ 079 5174 6093
Email: Sharon.mcclure@rnib.org.uk

RNIB Northern Ireland
RNIB (Royal National Institute of the Blind) in Northern Ireland provides people recently diagnosed with loss of sight with support to help them adapt to difficult circumstances, retain confidence and quickly regain their independence. They have a number of eye clinic liaison officers.
If you would like to speak to someone from the RNIB eye health information team or have any queries about your sight contact RNIB helpline.
Tel: 028 9032 9373
Helpline Tel: 030 3123 9999
For more information go to www.rnib.org.uk

SENSE Carrickfergus – Deafblind Forums
This scheme offers deafblind people the chance to meet up regularly in their local area. They are open to any deafblind person who would like to join, perhaps sitting in on a meeting first to decide if it is a group they would like to join. Attendees can gain information about SENSE and other services, practical tips about technology and equipment, the chance to make friends and to exchange useful information and ideas.
Tel: 028 9083 3430


Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland
Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland provides support to individuals, families and carers living with Huntington’s disease in N. Ireland and also provides information, advice and signposting for health and social care professionals.
Tel: 028 2177 1812
Email: errol@hdani.org.uk
For more information go to www.hdani.org.uk

Motor Neurone Disease

Motor Neurone Disease Association NI
Advice, Support and Information for those suffering from MND and their families.
Tel: 074 3483 9842
Email: mndni@hotmail.co.uk
For more information go to www.mndani.com

Multiple Sclerosis

Action MS
Information and support for people with MS and their families. Luncheon Club, Reflexology, Drop In, Advocacy, Holiday Home, Home Visits to clients.
Tel: 028 9079 0707
Email: info@actionms.co.uk
For more information go to www.actionms.co.uk/

MS Society
We are Northern Ireland’s leading charity dedicated to beating MS.
We provide support and services to people affected by MS including advice, counselling, physiotherapy and financial support. We raise awareness of MS and make MS a priority at political level.
Tel: 028 9080 2802
Email: nireception@mssociety.org.uk
For more information go to www.mssociety.org.uk/near-me/branches/ms-society-northern-ireland


Parkinsons UK Northern Ireland
Our Parkinson’s local advisers provide one-to-one information and support to people with Parkinson’s, their families and carers. This includes helping people understand the impact of their condition and their rights, benefits advice and accessing local support and services.
Tel: 0344 225 3683
Email: mmcwilliams@parkinsons.org.uk
For more information go to www.parkinsons.org.uk/content/northern-ireland-local-contacts

Parkinsons UK Ballymena Group
We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinsons, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities. Join us – and meet other people affected by Parkinsons in your area.
Tel: 028 2564 8398
Email: jimmymcclean@outlook.com
For more information go to www.parkinsons.org.uk/content/northern-ireland-local-contacts

Parkinsons UK Local Adviser Belfast and Newtownabbey areas
We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson’s, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities. Join us – and meet other people affected by Parkinson’s in your area.
Tel: 0344 225 3687
Email: jmeredith@parkinsons.org.uk
For more information go to www.parkinsons.org.uk/content/northern-ireland-local-contacts

Parkinsons UK Local Adviser Northern HSC Trust area (except BT37)
We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson’s, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities. Join us – and meet other people affected by Parkinson’s in your area.
Tel: 0344 225 3683
Email: mmcwilliams@parkinsons.org.uk
For more information go to www.parkinsons.org.uk/content/northern-ireland-local-contacts

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