Health and Social Wellbeing
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Addiction Northern Ireland (NI)
Addiction NI provides support and treatment to people affected by alcohol or drug addiction.
Tel: 028 9066 4434
For more information go to
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Millbrook Resource Centre, Ballymoney, Thursday and Sunday 8.30pm
Tel: 028 9043 4848
For more information go to
Believe in Youth
Believe in youth aims to reduce the physical and mental harm caused by alcohol to young people by delaying the onset of drinking through education and alcohol intervention programmes alongside specialised alcohol intervention programmes delivered directly “where and when” young people congregate and socialise. This project will be delivered by Dunlewey Substance Advice Centre and the Northern Ireland Youth Forum.
Tel: 028 2565 2105.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind provides mentoring and counselling for individuals along with personal development packages. It will also increase the capacity of local community, voluntary and specialist services to recognise and support individuals and families affected by both mental health and alcohol problems. This project will be delivered by Contact and Action Mental Health.
Tel: 028 9074 4499.
A local network working in partnership with other support organisations to improve the quality of life, health and well-being of older people across the Causeway Coast. This network provides a good morning telephone based service, the COAST Handyperson Scheme (home visits to carry out safety checks and household tasks) as well as advice, befriending, luncheon clubs and older person forum schemes.
Tel: 028 2766 5068
For more information go to
Good Morning Ballycastle
The Good morning call service seeks to establish, deliver and provide support and information to older or vulnerable people via telephone support through the following: Providing a befriending service through regular telephone contact, Assisting in maintaining the service user’s independence, Providing social interaction and reduced social isolation, Encouraging and developing social supports in order to reduce loneliness and isolation.
60 Ann Street, Ballycastle
Tel: 028 2076 8309
For more information go to
Good Morning Causeway
The Good morning call service seeks to establish, deliver and provide support and information to older or vulnerable people via telephone support through the following: Providing a befriending service through regular telephone contact, Assisting in maintaining the service user’s independence, Providing social interaction and reduced social isolation, Encouraging and developing social supports in order to reduce loneliness and isolation.
West Bann Development, 8 Killowen Court, Coleraine
Tel: 028 7055 8005
For more information go to
Loughgiel Community Association
The Loughgiel Community Association provides support through financial support and advice such as how to maximise income, how to budget and ways to economise. There are a variety of health and wellbeing talks. The Loughgiel Community Association seeks to care for older people’s emotional wellbeing by informing members about what is happening within the community and by providing transport to the groups luncheon club, GP appointments, dental appointments and other health related appointments. Other services are available such as the collection and delivery of prescriptions, a luncheon Club and a meals service.
Loughgiel Community Centre
Tel: 028 2764 1389
For more information go to
Praxis Care operates a volunteer befriending scheme which offers friendship and support to someone who has become isolated because of mental ill-health as well as individuals with a learning disability or acquired brain injury.
Tel: 028 9032 0184
For more information go to
Cruse Bereavement
Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the wellbeing of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss.
Causeway Office Robinson Hospital Ballymoney
Tel: 028 2766 6686
Helpline Tel: 084 4477 9400
For more information go to
Wave Trauma Centre
The overall aim of WAVE is to offer care and support to anyone bereaved or traumatized through the violence of The Troubles, irrespective of religious, cultural or political belief. The philosophy and ethos of the organization is one of inclusiveness i.e. anyone bereaved or traumatized—those physically impaired as a result of the violence in Northern Ireland and those who care for them. Services such as Befriending, Psychotherapy/Counselling, Advice/Welfare, Training Opportunities, Complementary Therapies and Youth are available from all centres.
Tel: 028 2766 9900
For more information go to
Action Cancer Appointments Service
Action Cancer is Northern Ireland’s leading, local cancer charity. Our mission is to save lives and support local people through cancer awareness, prevention, detection and support. Breast Screening, MOT Health checks, Support, Therapeutic Services, Counselling or Complementary Therapy. Book appointments at a location near you by telephone or online.
Tel: 028 9080 3344
For more information go to
Cancer Focus Patient Support
Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is here to help you, your family and carers when you’re affected by cancer. We have a wide range of one-to-one and group patient support services to help you. Our services include counselling, art therapy, a bra-fitting service, family support and much more.
Tel: 0800 783 3339
For more information go to
NHSCT Cancer Services Website
Website for those living with cancer, their carer’s and families.
For more information go to
At Macmillan, we know how a cancer diagnosis can affect everything. So we’re here to support you and help you take back some control in your life. From help with money worries and advice about work, to someone who’ll listen if you just want to talk, we’re here. Services in this area include a volunteer service, helpline, welfare rights, information and support, complimentary therapy, meal time companions.
Helpline: 0808 808 0000
Tel: 028 9442 4394
For more information go to
Marie Curie Helper Service
The Marie Curie Helper service is provided by trained volunteers who visit people in their homes offering companionship and support for up to three hours each week, all completely free of charge. Our service aims to fill the gap in meeting the emotional support needs of people with a terminal illness, and those of their carers. It also enables carers to cope better and continue with their caring role.
Tel: 0845 302 4851
For more information go to
Marie Curie Nursing Service
Marie Curie Nursing Service
Description: Marie Curie Nurses and Health Care Assistants provide nursing care and support for people in their own homes. They are available 24 hours of the day, seven days a week. They work closely with the district nurse with the aim of providing the care that is right for you when you need it most. Each visit may vary in length based on individual care requirements
Tel: 0800 716 146
Out of Hours Nursing Service
Tel: 028 2566 3500
For more information go
Barnardos Young Carers
Barnardo’s runs 20 services across the UK which work to support young carers and their families in a variety of ways: Helping the family to find the support they need, and are entitled to, from local services, so that a child’s caring responsibilities can be reduced. Supporting young carers to use local services such as sports clubs, support groups, and health centres. Providing advice and emotional support through counselling and drop-in sessions. Liaising with schools so that teachers can better support their students. Providing opportunities for young carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities, spend time with other young carers and share experiences
Providing opportunities for young carers to learn more about their parent’s illness or disability.
Tel: 028 7963 1344
Tel: 078 3368 2077
For more information go to
Carers Hub
The Carer Hub is a central contact where you can be signposted to local support or receive other information. The Hub is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 028 2766 1210 or email
Carers Northern Ireland (NI)
Carers NI is part of Carers UK. It is a membership organisation run by carers, for carers across Northern Ireland providing information to all care matters.
Tel: 028 9043 9843
For more information go to
CAUSE is a peer-led charity in Northern Ireland directed and staffed by past and present carers. It provides practical and emotional support to relatives and carers of people with serious mental illness.
Tel: 028 9065 0650
Helpline tel: 084 5603 0291
For more information go to
Chest, Heart and Stroke
British Heart Foundation
The British Heart Foundation seeks to support and help those suffering from heart disease.
Tel: 028 9024 5838
Helpline tel: 030 0330 3311
For more information go to
Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke
Practical and emotional support for the family and carers of people affected by stroke.
Tel: 078 4127 8845
For more information go to
Stroke Association and Cruse Beyond Words Project
Beyond Words is a partnership project between Cruse and the Stroke Association. It will provide a range of bereavement services for: People over 60 Stroke survivors and their carer’s and those living in sheltered accommodation.
Project Coordinator: Sharon Millar 079 4727 3767
Contact tel: 028 9050 8020
Dementia Navigator Service
Provider: Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Support for people with Dementia and their families to navigate and access services in the NHSCT and Community & Voluntary sector.
Aware Defeat Depression
Aware Defeat Depression is a voluntary organisation dedicated to providing support and information for all those affected by depressive illnesses across Northern Ireland
Tel: 028 9032 1734
Helpline tel: 084 5120 2961
For more information go to
Cedar Foundation Floating Support
Referrals can be made by anyone interested in accessing the service for themselves or by a professional, family member or other organisation. The Floating Support Service is for adults (over 18) living in their own home, or about to move out soon, who want to be able to carry out their housing responsibilities as independently as possible. In the Northern Trust Floating Support is provided for people affected by Brain Injury, Physical Disability and Sensory Disability.
Tel: 028 9046 1834
For more information go to
Disability Action Transport
DATS is a local urban transport service for people with disabilities or for those who find it difficult using mainstream public transport. Membership is free but a fare is charged for each trip taken. You will need to complete a membership application form and meet the criteria for membership. The service is available from 8.00am until 8.00pm daily Monday to Friday and from 9.00am until 5.00pm on Saturday and Sunday. On Bank Holidays there is no service. The booking office is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 4.00pm (excluding Public Holidays). As a new member of the Transport service, you can book your first single or return trip within your operational area for free. After that, all single trips within your operational area are charged at £2.30 per trip.
Tel: 0845 608 5555
Epilepsy Action
Epilepsy Action Northern Ireland. Raises awareness and increases understanding of epilepsy, Lobbies and campaigns for a better future for people with epilepsy. Supports people through our network of volunteers, branches and groups. Organises information events for both people living with epilepsy and health professionals. Organises and supports local fundraising events. Epilepsy Action Northern Ireland provides epilepsy awareness training sessions to groups who want to learn more about epilepsy. These include private employers, healthcare and service providers and schools.
Tel: 028 9063 4942
For more information go to
Sight and Hearing Loss
Action on Hearing Loss
Action On Hearing Loss (previously RNID) provides a range of services for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. They can also carry out a basic hearing check over the phone.
Tel: 028 9023 9619
For more information go to
Action On Hearing Loss Hear to Help Clinic Ballycastle
Advice on how to use and clean your hearing aids. Information on hearing loss and all the services that can help you. New batteries, Ear mould tubing and Wax guards which should be changed regularly. 10:30am to 12:30pm, second Tuesday of each month
Ballycastle Health Centre, 1a Coleraine Rd, Ballycastle
Tel: 028 9442 4322/ 079 4016 0672/ 079 3916 9114
For more information go to
RNIB Northern Ireland
RNIB (Royal National Institute of the Blind) in Northern Ireland provides people recently diagnosed with loss of sight with support to help them adapt to difficult circumstances, retain confidence and quickly regain their independence. They have a number of eye clinic liaison officers.
If you would like to speak to someone from the RNIB eye health information team or have any queries about your sight contact RNIB helpline.
Tel: 028 9032 9373
Helpline tel: 030 3123 9999
Coleraine/ Ballymoney/ Ballymena Tel: 077 1119 0440
For more information go to
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer’s Society is an organisation which works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Helpline Tel: 030 0222 1122
Local Dementia Support Worker: 077 1037 9947 or 028 7035 8887
For more information go to
Alzheimer’s Society Coleraine Branch Office
A range of services are provided through each Local Service Office to support people and their carers from the time of diagnosis including awareness raising, dementia support, support groups, activity clubs, information and signposting, carers information and support, outings and trips.
Castlerock Road, Coleraine
Tel: 028 7035 8887
Aware Defeat Depression
Aware Defeat Depression is a voluntary organisation dedicated to providing support and information for all those affected by depressive illnesses across Northern Ireland.
Tel: 028 9032 1734
Helpline tel: 084 5120 2961
For more information go to
CAUSE is a peer-led charity in Northern Ireland directed and staffed by past and present carers. It provides practical and emotional support to relatives and carers of people with serious mental illness.
Tel: 028 9065 0650
Helpline tel: 084 5603 0291
For more information go to
Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. No matter what your age or where you live in Northern Ireland, if you or someone you know is in distress or despair, Lifeline is here to help.
Tel: 080 8808 8000
For more information go to
Provides day-to-day care and support where needed, to enable people to live full and active lives. Inspire work in partnership with individuals to cultivate their capacity for creativity, care, compassion, realism and resilience. They promote and supporting the recovery of hope and ambition for flourishing mental health. This takes place through emotional and practical support and group work.
Tel: 028 9032 8474
24/7 Counselling Helpline 0808 800 0002
For more information go to
Silver Line is a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Telephone: 0800 4 70 80 90
For more information go to
Phoenix Ballycastle
Phoenix Ballycastle is a mental health peer support group that meets every 2 weeks starting 1 November 2022 from 7.30pm- 9pm at Sheskburn Recreation Centre.
Tel: 079 1821 3574
Hourglass Northern Ireland
Hourglass is the only charity dedicated to calling time on the harm, abuse and exploitation of older people across the United
Kingdom. With more that 25 years’ experience and expertise, our mission is to listen, advise and support vulnerable older people and all those affected by abuse and neglect throughout the UK.
Helpline: 0808 808 8141
For more information go to
Relate NI
Relate NI provides a confidential relationship counselling service for those who have relationship or marital problems.
Tel: 028 9026 0882 or local contact 079 7755 3334
Email: /
For more information go to
Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.
Tel: 028 9066 4422
For more information go to
Mobility Issues
British Red Cross Mobility Aids
British Red Cross Provides short term loans of mobility aids to people in need, including wheelchairs, commodes, walking sticks and Zimmer frames.
Tel: 028 7034 2569
For more information or to request a mobility aid go to
Home Care Reablement
The Home Care Reablement Service is a short term service for all new domiciliary care referrals which aims to assist people to regain skills and confidence to live as independently as possible within their own home and community.
Tel: 028 2766 1800
Relate NI
Relate NI provides a confidential relationship counselling service for those who have relationship or marital problems.
Tel: 028 9026 0882 or local contact 079 7755 3334
Email: /
For more information go to
Social Groups
Age Concern Causeway – Coleraine
Age Concern Causeway seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of older people and improve their social networks through a range of services for those aged 55 years or over through a number of ways such as: Befriending – one to one home visits for people who live alone with little or no social contacts – helping them be aware of what is available. Advocacy – Benefit checks, form filling and home visits as needed. Activity programme – range of activities throughout the week – swimming, bowling, crochet, something every day. Dementia support – every Thursday in Coleraine. Mentoring Service for isolated people who often live in rural areas. Mealtime companion – in partnership with the Northern Trust a volunteer mealtime companion project aiming to improve nutrition, mealtime experience and dignity of older people in hospital by providing and supporting volunteer mealtime companions.
3 Brook Street, Coleraine
Tel: 028 7035 7966
Ballymoney U3A
The U3A approach to learning is for fun. No qualifications are required either to be part of, or lead, an Activity Group. Members offer their skills on a voluntary basis so that others can learn new skills or hobbies. It is an informal approach to learning. U3A is a self-help organisation for people, in the third age of life, who are no longer in full time employment. The main objective is to provide a social outlet for members througha variety of physical and mental activities. For more specific information on activities see.
For more information go to
Causeway U3A
Part of the wider U3A movement, which aims to provide continued learning in an enjoyable way, for the retired and semi-retired. We offer a wide range of activities to help our members keep active in mind and body and to enjoy a good social life. The U3A is an organisation which is run by its members for its members, it operates on a self-help basis. Membership is open to all.
For more information go to
Glens and Dalriada U3A
The University of the third age is a self-help organization, open to people who are no longer in full time employment. It draws on the wealth of knowledge and experience of members to set up study groups and common interest groups. It’s main objective is to provide a variety of physical and mental stimulation for those who join. Groups meet at weekly, fortnightly or monthly intervals and occasionally for trips and holidays. The term University is used in broadest sense meaning the University of Life. The Glens and Dalriada U3A is autonomous, but is affiliated to a national and international movement.
For more information go to
Community Navigator for Older People Causeway Locality
The Community Navigator can assist with sign posting in the Causeway area to find appropriate services to help support the wellbeing of Older People. Referrals can be made directly to Community Navigator for onward referral or advice sought via telephone; Help to link organisations across the Statutory and Community and Voluntary sector through networking and promotion; Help build the capacity of Voluntary organisations and local Community Groups supporting Older People; Raise awareness of Older People’s issues such as Social Isolation and fear of crime to service providers; Create an awareness of the Older Persons’ services available across the Statutory, Voluntary and Community sector by continual mapping and signposting.
Ballymoney, Coleraine and Moyle
Tel: 028 2766 5068
For more information go to
Good Morning Causeway
The Good morning call service seeks to establish, deliver and provide support and information to older or vulnerable people via telephone support through the following. Providing a befriending service through regular telephone contact, Assisting in maintaining the service user’s independence, Providing social interaction and reduced social isolation, Encouraging and developing social supports in order to reduce loneliness and isolation.
West Bann Development, 8 Killowen Court, Coleraine
Tel: 028 7055 8005
A Men’s Shed is a place where all men, regardless of age, background, or ability: Are respected, valued and belong, and can comfortably use and pass on their practical skills and knowledge.
Learn through doing stuff together – each man is a teacher and a learner, each having different levels of skills, professional and practical, to share collectively.
Can come together and help out in their communities.
Can just come and have a chat and a cuppa if that is all they’re looking for.
Can talk about things that are important to them, and can improve their own wellbeing by keeping physically, mentally and socially active.
You can join one of our Men’s Shed’s in
Coleraine Men’s Sheds
Cornfield Men’s Shed, The Community Gardens, Cornfield Project, Hartford Park, Ballysally, Coleraine, BT52 2JW
Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30am – 1.30pm
Laurel Hill Men’s Shed, Laurel Hill Business Park, Laurel Hill Road, Coleraine, BT51 3AT
Opening hours: Wednesday 10:30am – 1:30pm
Portstewart Men’s Shed
Venue: Men’s Shed Portstewart, 1d Strand Road, Portstewart (beside the Griddle Bakery), BT55 7LS
Opening Days: Monday , Tuesdays and Thursdays
Times: 10-3pm
Tel: 028 777 69829
For more information go to Be Safe Be Well