Health and Social Wellbeing
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Addiction Northern Ireland (NI)
Addiction NI provides support and treatment to people affected by alcohol or drug addiction.
Tel: 028 9066 4434
For more information go to
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
For more information go to
Versus Arthritis
We’re a community providing support for people with arthritis across the UK. We support world-class research and breakthrough treatments. We understand what living with arthritis is like. We’re here for you, whenever that may be.
Living Well with Arthritis
Self Management training – anyone over 18, free self management programmes for people with long term pain/long term health conditions. Current programmes on website
Contact Yvonne Knipe on
Telephone Befriending and Hubs
We offer a telephone befriending service to over 18s and a pop up info hubs throughout the province in various health care settings.
Contact Anna Lyons on
Family & Youth Work Service
Support and activities available for young people and children with arthritis and their families.
Contact Catherine Wright on
Helpline: 0808 800 4050 or Tel: 028 9078 2940
For more information go to or
Branch / Group Network
Local support groups meet monthly in various areas
The British Legion, Burn Road, Cookstown, BT80 8AH, 1st Wednesday of every month at 1:30pm
Raymond McGarvey (For details, contact Community Navigator on 078 1419 6935)
Meadowbank Recreation Centre, Ballyronan Road, Magherafelt, BT45 6EW, last Wednesday of month, 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Contact Kathleen B Donnelly (For details, contact Community Navigator on 078 1419 6935)
AgeNI Check in and Chat Telephone befriending service
Age NI, with the support of the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland, is offering a ‘Check in and chat’ telephone service for everyone who is over 60 in Northern Ireland, who may feel isolated or lonely during this time. It is hoped that the initiative will help provide some reassurances to older people, answer basic queries and link people to local services and support during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Alzheimer’s society – Side by Side Mid Ulster
Side by Side is an Alzheimer’s free service in the Mid Ulster area.
It is for people in the early stages of their dementia, to continue being active in their communities with the support of a volunteer. Activities are agreed between the person with dementia and their volunteer.
Mitchell Hall, 36 Station Road, Maghera BT46 5BS
Tel: 077 0347 0746
Versus Arthritis
We’re a community providing support for people with arthritis across the UK. We support world-class research and breakthrough treatments. We understand what living with arthritis is like. We’re here for you, whenever that may be.
Hearing Loss
Action On Hearing Loss (previously RNID) provides a range of services for people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus. We provide information about hearing loss and equipment that can help and deliver basic hearing checks. We also run local Hearing Aid User Support Sessions in association with the Northern Trust at various locations where NHS hearing aid users can receive free one to one support with hearing aids.
For more information about Action on Hearing Loss services visit, call 028 9023 9619 or email
To find details of your nearest Hearing Aid User Support Session visit
Marie Curie Helper Service
The Marie Curie Helper service is provided by trained volunteers who visit people in their homes offering companionship and support for up to three hours each week, all completely free of charge. Our service aims to fill the gap in meeting the emotional support needs of people with a terminal illness, and those of their carers. It also enables carers to cope better and continue with their caring role.
Tel: 0845 302 4851
For more information go to
Mid Ulster Agewell Partnership
Agewell seeks improve services for older people in the community. This includes reducing isolation, promoting positive health and well-being and improving home safety through a number of ways. For example, Good Morning Call for Over 50’s, Home Maintenance (over 65’s), links to reablement and information and advice services through the Community Engagement Officer who can go out and speak to groups for free.
Office base Unit 3, 80-82 Rainey Street, Magherafelt, BT45 5AJ, Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:00pm, Friday 8:30am – 1:00pm
Tel: 028 7963 2170
For more information go to
O4O Cookstown
O4O Cookstown seeks to provide services and support which improve the quality of life for people aged 50+ within the Cookstown area through the following: Luncheon club, meal delivery service, weekly activity schedule, day trips, activity classes, benefits checks, newsletter and information and signposting
18-20 Cookstown Enterprise Centre, Derryloran Industrial Estate, Sandholes Road, Cookstown, BT80 9LU
Weekly activity schedule
Luncheon club – 5 days a week Meal delivery service – 7 days a week
Tel: 028 8676 9005
For more information go to
Facebook: @o4oCookstownLtd
Praxis Care
Praxis Care operates a volunteer befriending scheme which offers friendship and support to someone who has become isolated because of mental ill-health as well as individuals with a learning disability or acquired brain injury.
Tel: 028 9023 4555 or 028 7963 4488
Email: or
For more information go to
Radius Housing Floating Support Service
Available to private home owners as well as housing executive tenants, the scheme can assist those people aged 55 and over to remain in their own home for longer by providing a low level housing support service.
The service can be provided for a period up to six months and is easily accessible by applying directly to Fold. An exit plan will be developed with the service user regarding longer support needs when they are exiting the scheme.
Support can include: Befriending. Advising on food preparation. Reminding and non-specialist counselling where this does not conflict with similar services provided as personal care. Assistance with the maintenance of the safety of the dwelling. Assistance with arranging minor repairs to and servicing of domestic equipment and appliances. Assistance in how to engage with individuals, professionals and other bodies with an interest in the welfare of the service user. Assistance in dealing with claims to social security benefits and other official correspondence relevant to sustaining occupancy of the dwelling. Encouraging socialising, day trips, weekly luncheon clubs, coffee mornings and a range of other group activities
Tel: 033 0123 0888
Mobile: 078 7284 1260
Facebook: @RadiusHousing
Twitter: @RadiusHousing
Rosie’s Trust (helping to look after pets)
Volunteer led service, aiming to protect and maintain the relationship between people and their pets when that relationship is under threat due to the owner’s terminal illness, treatment for cancer, or elderly living with disability.
Volunteers visit the pet owner’s home to carry out day to day tasks that owner is no longer able to carry out. Service provided in beneficiary’s own home. Operating 356 days per year.
Tel: 077 2120 4061
For more information go to
Facebook: @rosiestrust
St Vincent de Paul
There are a wide range of supports we can offer you, from practical help and advice, to a friendly ear all in the strictest of confidence. The Society of St Vincent de Paul currently has eight regional offices and a number of shops. Our focus is on practical approach to dealing with poverty, alleviating its effects on individuals and families through working primarily in person-to-person contact by a unique system of family visitation and seeking to achieve social justice and equality of opportunity for all citizens.
In addition to providing direct assistance to those in need, caring for the homeless, providing social housing, operating holiday homes and other social support activities, the Society promotes community self-sufficiency, enabling people to help themselves. Any assistance offered by the Society is given in a non-judgemental spirit, based on the needs of the individual or family seeking help.
35 Loy Street, Cookstown, BT80 8PZ
Tel: 028 8676 9400
52 Maghera Street, Kilrea, BT51 5QN
Tel: 028 2954 0103
38 Queen Street Magherafelt BT45 6AB
Tel: 028 7930 0819 / 078 0232 8241
Facebook: @vincentsmagherafelt
SVP Home Visitation
- Bellaghy 075 0854 9588
- Cookstown 028 8676 2900
- Dungannon 028 8772 7323
- Granaghan 077 3883 8043
- Maghera 077 5211 1032
- Magherafelt 028 7930 0819
North Office: 196-200 Antrim Road, Belfast BT15 2AJ,
Tel: 028 9035 1561
For more information go to
Volunteer Now – Befriending Network
Volunteer Now provides a range of volunteer befriending, driving and practical services for the most vulnerable and isolated older persons in the community. This has been funded by Belfast Health & Social Care Trust and its predecessors for over 16 years.
Directory of Befriending Services (50+)
This publication has been produced by Volunteer Now in collaboration with the Befriending Network (50+). This directory is a tool for health professionals, organisations, families and individuals when looking for support services for vulnerable people in our community or their care.
Tel: 028 9023 2020
Email: victoria.o’ or
For more information go to
Alzheimer’s Society Carer’s Support Group
The Support Group gives family carers the opportunity to meet others in similar situations and a chance to share their experiences, concerns and problems in an understanding and confidential setting.
The Hub, Burn Road, Cookstown, 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Maghera Lurach Centre, Church Road, Maghera, 4th Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Tel: 028 8676 5888
For more information go to
Barnardos Young Carers
Barnardos runs 20 services across the UK which work to support young carers and their families in a variety of ways: Helping the family to find the support they need, and are entitled to, from local services, so that a child’s caring responsibilities can be reduced. Supporting young carers to use local services such as sports clubs, support groups, and health centres. Providing advice and emotional support through counselling and drop-in sessions. Liaising with schools so that teachers can better support their students. Providing opportunities for young carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities, spend time with other young carers and share experiences. Providing opportunities for young carers to learn more about their parent’s illness or disability.
Magherafelt Tel: 028 7963 1344
Coleraine Tel: 078 3368 2077
For more information go to
Carers Northern Ireland (NI)
Carers NI is part of Carers UK. It is a membership organisation run by carer’s, for carer’s across Northern Ireland providing information on all matters relating to caring.
Tel: 028 9043 9843
For more information go to
Digital Resources – Download ‘Jointly’ App Free Code: DGTL2770
Carer’s Northern Ireland (NI) – Mid Ulster group
Carer Support Group which meets on a monthly basis for anyone who provides support to a relative or friend. The aim is to provide support and a social outlet for family carers.
Magherafelt Day Centre, 57 Hospital Road, Magherafelt BT45 5EG, 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Tel: 028 9043 9843
CAUSE is a peer-led charity in Northern Ireland directed and staffed by past and present carers. It provides practical and emotional support to relatives and carers of people with serious mental illness.
Tel: 028 9065 0650
Helpline Tel: 084 5603 0291
For more information go to
Extra Care in NHSCT area
Extra Care is Northern Ireland’s largest domiciliary care charity with a purpose of giving people the choice to remain living at home with quality care.
Tel: 028 2563 2333
For more information go to
Facebook: @ExtraCareforte Elderly1
NHSCT Carers Register
As part of the Northern Trust’s commitment to support carers, we have a database of carers in the Trust area. We call this database the Carers Register. Your details only go onto the register when you complete the Carers Register form.
The register is completely confidential. All information is protected by Data Protection and your details are not shared or passed to any other organisation.
Who is a carer?
A carer is someone who provides regular and substantial help or support to a family member or friend on an informal basis. A carer can be any age, be a parent caring for a child with a disability, be a young person caring for a parent or sibling, you do not have to be the sole carer or live with the cared for person.
What is the purpose of the Register?
We will use the register to engage with you and keep you up to date with information which will help to support you in your caring role. It is really like a contact list.
We may send you information such as:
- Training for your personal development
- Information on how to look after your well being
- Documents from the Northern Trust that we would like your opinion on
Maintaining a carers register will help the Trust to:
- Keep in touch with you;
- Consult carers on future services;
- Identify the extent of caring that takes place in the Trust area;
- Provide support to carers.
NHSCT Equality Unit, Route Complex, 8E Coleraine Road, Ballymoney BT53 6BP
Tel: 028 2766 1392
British Red Cross Home and Well Scheme
Components vary but includes: supported hospital discharge transport, befriending, access to wheelchairs, Hand Arm & Shoulder Massage, signposting to other local/specialist services. Aims to be a person-centred service, help people withstand and recover from a Health Social & Care crisis and reaching out to Older people/ Vulnerable.
The service aims to support people to experience – Reduced anxiety, Enhanced well-being, Improved confidence, Reduced Isolation, Improved Nutrition, Increased Resilience. Referrals will be taken for individuals; Living distant to families and friends, Being anxious about leaving hospital / recently leaving hospital, At risk of admission to hospital or respite care if practical support is not provided, During / following period of ill health in individuals own home, For a carer with an increased risk of social isolation – in need of emotional or practical support, Support after a recent bereavement, Resident within Northern Health and Social Care Trust.
Tel: 028 7034 2569 Mobile: 078 6071 5718
For more information go to
CDM Community Transport Cookstown
Dial a Lift – for registered members. Door to Door Transport is available to registered rural dwellers who are unable or find it difficult to use public transport to local services such as: shopping, clinics, post office, chemist and access to training. Dial a lift cannot be used for hospital appointments, Health Trust led Day Centres or school to home transport. Bookings must be made no later than 4 o’clock on the previous day.
Available Monday to Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm
SIF – Funding from Social Investment Fund offers an extension to our operational hours for Dial a Lift and can now provide new and current members with transport to: shopping trips, Church/Chapel services, further/higher education, training & employment, recreation, hospital appointments – outside operational areas
Extended hours, Monday – Friday 8:00am – 8:00pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Feeder Service – Your local rural transport partnership can provide transport from your door to the bus stop to members who can travel on public transport and want to go outside their operational area.
Group Hire is available to registered ‘Not for Profit’ groups within your Council area. Groups have a choice of having their own driver trained in-house to MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme) standard or they can book a paid driver. Groups include: Church, Sport, Community.
Tel: 028 8676 7766
Facebook: @CDMCommunityTransport
Cedar Foundation
Cedar delivers a range of services that enable people with disabilities to get the most out of life and to be fully included in their communities. Our services are centred around the individual needs of each person and are delivered throughout Northern Ireland. Supported Living, Housing Support, Floating Support, Residential Care, Activities, Employability and Inclusion.
1a Woodside Road Industrial Estate, Woodside Road, Ballymena, BT42 4QJ
Tel: 028 2565 9111
For more information go to
Cedar Foundation Floating Support
Referrals can be made by anyone interested in accessing the service for themselves or by a professional, family member or other organisation. The Floating Support Service is for adults (over 18) living in their own home, or about to move out soon, who want to be able to carry out their housing responsibilities as independently as possible. In the Northern Trust Floating Support is provided for people affected by Brain Injury, Physical Disability and Sensory Disability.
Tel: 028 9046 1834
For more information go to
Disability Action
Disability Action works to ensure that people with disabilities attain their full rights as citizens, by supporting inclusion, influencing Government policy and changing attitudes in partnership with disabled people.
Disability Action is unique in its work, as it is the only Northern Ireland wide pan disability organisation working with disabled people with various disabilities; physical, mental, sensory, learning and hidden. Our work is important as one in five people in Northern Ireland has a disability.
As a campaigning body, we represent the views of our 100 member groups, working to bring about positive change to the social, economic and cultural life of people with disabilities and consequently to our entire community.
We offer a range of services including Information ; Policy, Employment and Training Support, Capacity Building, Training on Disability & Diversity Issues, Transport and Mobility Assessment, all aimed at improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in Northern Ireland.
58 Strand Road, Derry BT48 7AJ
Tel: 028 7136 0811
Portside Business Park, 189 Airport Road West, Belfast BT3 9ED
Tel: 028 9029 7880
11 Georges Street, Dungannon BT70 1BP
Tel: 028 8775 2372
6 West Street, Carrickfergus BT38 7AR
Tel: 028 9336 9367
For more information go to
Disability Action Onside Programme
Disability Action is delivering training to people remotely via zoom. An individual’s online skills will be assessed and Disability Action will endeavour to provide the right support to help, so if someone has never had any experience with a device they will post/hand deliver a manual with basic instructions and talk through this via telephone. It may be appropriate at times to show people how to turn the device on with social distancing measures in place at their home, in their garden. If someone is eligible for ONSIDE they will be able to help them access a device if they need one. This will be pre-loaded with all relevant apps, an email address if they don’t have one and a google chrome shortcut. The manual will cover these icons, what they mean and how to access them.
Disability Action Transport
DATS is a local urban transport service for people with disabilities or for those who find it difficult using mainstream public transport. Membership is free but a fare is charged for each trip taken.
You will need to complete a membership application form and meet the criteria for membership. The service is available from 8:00am until 8:00pm daily Monday to Friday and from 9:00am until 5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday. On Bank Holidays there is no service.
The booking office is open from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm (excluding Public Holidays). As a new member of the Transport service, you can book your first single or return trip within your operational area for free.
Tel: 0845 608 5555
For more information go to
Disabled Facilities Grant
This grant is available from NI Housing Executive to help to improve the home of a person with a disability and is based on the recommendation of an Occupational Therapist, for example installing ramps, or adapting heating or lighting controls. This will not affect any benefits currently received by the applicant. Your local Housing Executive Grants’ Office will answer your questions at any stage of the process. If you are elderly or have special needs, arrangements can be made with some independent agencies to assist you.
Cookstown NIHE Office: 15 Morgan’s Hill Road, Cookstown, BT80 8HA
Tel: 034 4892 0900
Magherafelt NIHE Office: 3 Ballyronan Road, Magherafelt, BT45 6BP
Tel: 034 4892 0900
For more information go to
Downs Syndrome Association
Advice and help for people with Downs syndrome, their families and carers. Specialises in all aspects of Downs syndrome from birth to old age. Subjects covered include health, benefits, education and speech/language development. Liaises with expert advisors on behalf of families, offers counselling to new parents, runs holidays and activities for people with Down’s syndrome.
Unit 2 Marlborough House 348 Lisburn Road Belfast BT9 6GH
Tel: 028 9066 5260
Helpline: 0333 1212 300
For more information go to
Independence at Home
Independence at Home is a charity that exists to support independence at home for people with disability and long term illness. We do this by providing grants to people on the basis of need, regardless of age, gender and ethnicity, religious or cultural background. Applications for Independence at Home grants come from all over the UK.
We rely on referrals from health and social care professionals or from workers of voluntary associations, who have direct knowledge of their service users’ circumstances gained from a professional involvement in their care.
Independence at Home, 4th Floor, Congress House, 14 Lyon Road, Harrow HA1 2EN
Tel: 020 8427 7929, Monday – Thursday 9:00am – Thursday 5:00pm
For more information go to
Mid Ulster Disability Forum
The Forum includes representatives from a range of organisations and groups who are working towards the inclusion of people with disabilities and their carers. We cover the entire Mid Ulster District Council area.
The Forum is established to promote the benefit of people with disabilities and their carers in Mid Ulster District Council area by providing a forum and voice for those with disabilities and their carers to highlight local priority needs through advocacy and lobbying.
The Forum meet on a monthly basis to promote the inclusion of disabled people in the area. Through its work it raises awareness of the needs of those affected by disability and signposts to and shares information and good practice. Examples of recent project delivery include: Access Mid Ulster Website; Youth Included Project and the Provision of Specialist Equipment to promote social inclusion.
Why Get Involved?
- Have a stronger and more effective voice
- Highlight issues and connect with decision-makers
- Get peer support and mentoring
- Network and meet other people working or volunteering to improve disability issues
- Share information and good practice
- Signpost and referrals to other support services
If you would like to further the inclusion of those affected by disability why not come along to our monthly Forum meetings. Each meeting focuses on a particular theme or issue and will keep you up to date and informed.
To find out more please contact Mid Ulster Disability Forum c/o Gortalowry House 94 Church Street Cookstown BT80 8HX
Tel: 03000 132 132
Email: or
For more information go to
Eyes and Ears
Action on Hearing Loss (previously RNID)
Knowledge and expertise on hearing loss, deafness and tinnitus. Information and awareness talks / Information stands / Free hearing screening / Signposting to other support services / Specialist products and equipment.
Tel: 028 9023 9619
Mobile: 073 9323 3559
For more information go to
Facebook: @Action On Hearing Loss – Northern Ireland
Action on Hearing Loss Hear to Help Clinic
Advice on how to use and clean your hearing aids. Information on Tinnitus, hearing loss and all the services that can help you. New batteries, Ear mould tubing and Wax guards which should be changed regularly.
Gortalowry House, Church Street, Cookstown BT80 8HX, 1st Tuesday of each month from 10:00am – 12:00noon
The Lurach Centre, 15 Church Street Maghera BT46 5EA, last Monday of each month from 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Tel: 028 9442 4322/ 079 4016 0672/ 079 3916 9114
For more information go to
Facebook: @Action On Hearing Loss – Northern Ireland
DeafBlind UK (sight and hearing loss)
We support people with combined sight and hearing loss to live the lives they want.
Whether you need some support to get back on your feet after a diagnosis, a helping hand to help you do the things you love, someone to turn to when you’re feeling low or some information, advice and guidance, we’re here to help.
Losing your sight and hearing can be frightening. Our team of experts is here every step of the way to show you life beyond sight and hearing loss.
We provide Awareness Talks, Befriending, Care at Home, specialist Information, Advice and support, Digital Inclusion, Holidays and Social Groups
Tel: 079 5000 8870
For more information go to
NHSCT Sensory Support
The Sensory Support Team is based in Wilson House in Broughshane and covers the entire Northern Trust area. The team consists of social workers, rehabilitation workers for people who have a visual difficulty, environmental technical officers who assess for equipment that may help someone who has a hearing difficulty and administrative support staff.
Tel: 028 2586 3800
To make a referral to the Sensory Support Team please contact the Centralised Referral Management System on 028 2563 5521.
RNIB Northern Ireland
RNIB (Royal National Institute of the Blind) in Northern Ireland provides people recently diagnosed with loss of sight with support to help them adapt to difficult circumstances, retain confidence and quickly regain their independence. They have a number of eye clinic liaison officers. If you would like to speak to someone from the RNIB eye health information team or have any queries about your sight contact RNIB helpline.
Tel Magherafelt / Cookstown: 028 9032 9373
Mobile: 077 1006 6251
Helpline Tel: 030 3123 9999
For more information go to
Health and Well Being
Community Groups / Organisations
There are various groups/organisations covering areas within Cookstown District, promoting health & well being activities, including Ardboe, Ballinderry, Ballylifford, Ballyronan, Broughderg, Churchtown, Coagh, Cookstown, Drummullan, Dunamore, Kildress, Lissan, Moneymore, Moortown, Orritor, Pomeroy, Rock, Sandholes, Stewartstown, The Loup and Tullyhogue.
There are various groups covering areas within Magherafelt District including Bellaghy, Castledawson, Clady, Culnaddy, Desertmartin, Draperstown, Gulladuff, Maghera, Magherafelt, Swatragh, Tamlaght O’Crilly, Tobermore and Upperlands.
There are other groups/organistions covering all of Mid Ulster District Council area (ie: including Dungannon District in SHSCT area).
These include
- Agewell Good Morning/Handyvan Project; Active Citizens Project, PSCC; Bingo Clubs;
- Carefully Yours Project; Church groups; Church Forum; Community Halls/Venues – AOH,
- Churches, GAA, Orange Lodges, Royal British Legion, Schools etc; Community Transport;
- CWSAN; Cycling Clubs; Day Centres; Dogs Trust; Fishing/Angling Clubs; Food Banks;
- Forests4life, Ballykelly; Garden/horticultural Clubs; GoMobility; Library – Book Club, Knit & Natter,
- Tea & Papers; Luncheon Clubs; Make a Change Project; Mid Ulster Women’s Aid;
- MU Arts & Disability Forum; MU Disability Forum; MU District Council; MU Leisure Centres;
- MU Motor Sport Clubs; MU Parks, Forests & Open Spaces; MU Seniors Network;
- MU Sports Arena; MU Volunteer Centre; MU Walking Group; Policing & Community Safety Project;
- MUVE – Victims Support; Mothers Union; Neighbourhood Renewal; NI Rural Women’s Network;
- Niamh Louise Foundation; NICVA; Post Offices, Credit Unions & Banks;
- PSNI; Residential and Nursing Homes; RNIB; Rotary Clubs; Running Clubs; Rural Community Network;
- ShopMobility; Social Security Office- Jobs & Benefits Outreach Service;
- Sports Clubs; Supporting Communities NI; SVP; Talking Newspaper; Translink;
- Willowbank & Women’s Institute.
For contact details of groups/organisations above, please contact Anita Kelly, Locality Community Navigator on tel: 078 1419 6935
Involve House, Magherafelt
The ‘Carefully Yours’ project aims to promote the independence and well-being of an active ageing population, ensuring that people over 55 including those isolated or ‘difficult to reach’ are enabled to access information and services.
Involve House, 20 Queen Street Magherafelt BT45 6AB
Daily Activities Monday – Friday
Tel: 028 7930 1862
For more information go to
St Lurach’s Centre, Maghera
The Maghera Parish Caring Association provides a safe environment for older people to meet together and various activity groups.
Lurach Centre, 15 Church Street, Maghera BT46 5EA
Tel: 028 7954 9290
For more information go to
O4O, Cookstown (previously Age Concern)
O4O Cookstown seeks to provide services and support which improve the quality of life for people aged 50+ within the Cookstown area through the following: Luncheon club, meal delivery service, weekly activity schedule, day trips, activity classes, benefits checks, newsletter and information and signposting
18-20 Cookstown Enterprise Centre, Derryloran Industrial Estate, Sandholes Road, Cookstown, BT80 9LU
Weekly activity schedule
Luncheon club – 5 days a week Meal delivery service – 7 days a week
Tel: 028 8676 9005
For more information go to
Facebook: @o4ocookstownltd
Dungannon Library at 11:00am on the second Monday of the month, for up to two hours of fun. Beginners are very welcome.
Coffee and Chat
The Coffee and Chat Interest Group – meet the first and third Mondays at 2pm – usually Dungannon or Linen Green Moygashel, apart from Dobbies before Christmas. The casual drop-in nature makes it very flexible to members. All members are very welcome to join the party any time.
Coffee and Chat Convenor: Dorothy McKenzie
Cinema Group
The Cinema Group chooses one film per week (Tuesday) – usually in Dungannon with occasional visits to Cookstown, Craigavon and Belfast when a particular film is only shown there. Members of the group receive their information by email. This includes the title, a short summary and of course where the film is to be shown. When going to Belfast all travel is by Ulsterbus.
Convenor: Eilish Cardwell
Etch, Sketch and Paint
The aim of this group is the enjoyment of art in general and our programme consists of a mixture of visits to exhibitions and practical sessions of drawing and painting using watercolours, watercolour pencils, pastels etc. The aim is to have fun and learn from each other.
Meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 2:00pm – 4:00pm in Mary’s home and also gallery visits
Convenor: Mary Lutton
The Craft group meets in Dungannon Library on the third Wednesday of the month from 2-4pm. This is a friendly, chatty group working on small crafts which can be completed in the two hours. No special skills are needed and we usually use glue and simple sewing.
All Things Natural
Meets on the last Thursday of the month. Generally the meeting is held in the Methodist Church hall, Dungannon from 2:00pm – 4:00pm, where there is plenty of parking. As a group we just have open discussion with all members having an input about their various adventures with the environment. These discussions are usually lively, interesting and varied. Outings are made to places of interest during the year as members bring new ideas to our meeting.
Moy Book Club
The Club meets monthly on the second Thursday in Moy Methodist Church hall from 2:00pm – 4:00pm.
Each month the Group chooses a book for discussion, usually giving two or three months notice of the books up for discussion. The subject matters covers a very wide spectrum. New members are always made very welcome.
Convenor: Anita
Walk and Talk Group 1
The group meet monthly on the first Friday at 10:00am in Tescos recycling car park, Dungannon with occasional extra walks during the year and either start walking from there or car share.
The walks are not too strenuous and in many cases can be shortened or extended to benefit both less able or more adventurous walkers. An important part of our outing is the ‘coffee’ stop or lunch depending on the timing. This gives us the chance to visit a wide variety of ‘establishments’ some of them worth a visit even without the walk.
Convenor: Mary Lutton
Quiz Teams
Meets in the Rugby Club on the last Thursday of the month at 8:30pm. All quizzes are organised by different groups, normally for a nominated Charity, and continue throughout the winter months. STU3A has its annual quiz night early in March each year.
Occasionally an extra date is added to our rota when we wish to support a particular charity. One does not need to be of mensa standard, it’s just good fun and always enjoyable. Everyone is welcome to join a STU3A table.
Convenor Gertie Greenaway
Music appreciation
Music Appreciation has an adhoc existence. The programme will evolve at the availability of musical recitals and concerts.
Lunch Group
Lunch in a local restaurant on the last Weekday of the month.
Summer days out
Four or five days or half day trips are planned over July and August, acting on members requests and recommendations. We use public transport for some activities and car sharing when this is not suitable.
Convenor Dorothy McKenzie
For more information go to
Sperrin U3A
Sperrin U3A is a social group for people from Magherafelt, Cookstown and surrounding areas, in their ‘third age’ who are interested in meeting new people, and developing existing or new interests in a friendly and informal environment. The third age is defined as a time after finishing working full-time or raising a family and with the time to pursue interests or just try something new. New members are always welcome.
Members form interest groups and draw upon their knowledge and experience to learn from each other. Current groups include Book Club, Conversational Spanish, Tai Chi, Genealogy, Bridge, Walking, and Outings groups. Groups run weekly, fortnightly, monthly or just occasionally, meeting in halls, club premises or members’ homes.
General meetings, with guest speakers, are held at 2:00pm on the second Tuesday of each month. Venue details and further information available from :-
Sperrin U3A Interest Groups
• Health & Social Well Being (Alleviating loneliness)
• Physical Activity and Leisure
• Other – Learning Opportunities
For more information go to
TABBDA, Ballyronan
Tradd/Ballymaguigan and Ballyronan Development Association provides a lunch and the opportunity for older people to meet together. Activities on offer are armchair aerobics.
Marina Centre, 135A Shore Road, Ballyronan BT45 6JA
Frequency: Weekly on a Friday all year round (except Christmas holidays)
Tel: 028 7941 7027
Termoneeny Community Association, Gulladuff
We provide support and facilities through a range of social and recreational activities. The centre is open every day and runs classes such as Young at Heart, fitness classes etc. The Young at Heart Group meets on Thursdays from 11am-1pm and includes lunch.
Other groups that use our facilities include local Stroke Survivors group, M.S. Society, N.I Parkinson’s and we have a GP referral system with local doctors.
Our gym/fitness suite is a huge success in that it is one of the few Inclusive Fitness Suites in N Ireland – which caters for the needs of disabled and non – disabled people.
Termoneeny Community Centre, 56 Quarry Lane, Gulladuff Magherafelt BT45 8NT
Tel: 028 7964 3202
For more information go to
The Rowan Tree Centre/PCP, Pomeroy
Our community venue / social enterprise, in the heart of Mid Ulster, hosts a range of social and recreational activities promoting health and social well-being, with access to the local forest walks on our doorstep and play park facilities. eg over 55’s group which meets on Wednesdays from 2:00pm – 4:00pm, community garden, exercise classes such as pilates (Thursday 7:00pm and 8:00pm), Slimming World (Tuesday 5:30pm and 7:30pm), Mens Shed & Sure Start. One of our tenants also provides gym facilities. Meeting rooms are available for hire and are wheelchair accessible, with free wifi and parking available. There is a bus stop at the entrance of the Centre. It is centrally located within Mid Ulster – 10 miles from Dungannon and Cookstown.
The Rowan Tree Centre, Pomeroy BT70 3FD
Tel: 028 8775 7834
Office hours Monday – Friday 10:00am – 1:00pm, Centre open Monday – Friday 8:00am – 10:00pm
Facebook @rowan.centre
Linking Generations NI
We promote and support intergenerational practice.
Tel: 028 9181 3022
For more information go to
Mid Ulster District Council
Bins & Recycling – Assisted Kerb Collection Service for bins; Community Services – Development/Good Relations; Community Safety (PCSP); Environmental Health – Energy Efficiency Schemes – Fuel Saving Stamp Scheme – Home Safety Visits (over 65/under 5’s) – Make A Change towards Healthier Lifestyle for over 50’s; Dog Licensing; Private Rented Housing Issues; RADAR key to open public disabled toilets; Sports; Tourism
(NB: possible Concessionary rates for people with disabilities and their carer in Council Leisure Facilities and Cinemas)
Tel: 03000 132 132
For more information go to
Mid Ulster District Council – Make a Change Programme
Make A Change offers one-to-one support to help you ‘make a change’. Whether you want to improve your diet or get more active, Make A Change could be for you. The dedicated Health Support Officer will work closely with you over a period of weeks or months, to help you along the way. You don’t have to do it alone! You decide what you want to change. We provide you with help and support to change it and can provide talks to groups.
Tel: 03000 132 132
For more information go to
Mid Ulster Seniors Network
Mid Ulster Seniors Network was developed in 2010 and involves community, statutory and voluntary partners working together to improve later life for people across the Dungannon, Cookstown and Magherafelt areas. It is actively involved with Age NI, Age Sector Platform and the NI Pensioners Parliament.
Are you aged over 50? Is your group working with people aged over 50 in the local community?
If so, by joining the Mid Ulster Seniors Network (MUSN), you will be working together to:
- Ensure the voices of older people are heard
- Raise concerns and take action on local issues including health, transport, isolation, housing, social care and discrimination
- Influence decision-makers represented at council level (Councils, Health Trusts and MLAs)
- Influence the future planning of services for your local area
- Encourage people to avail of existing opportunities and services
- Promote an age-friendly community
MUSN can make a positive impact on you and your group by:
- Creating connections with other older people’s groups in the Mid Ulster area (Cookstown, Dungannon and Magherafelt)
- Providing volunteer opportunities
- Promoting health and wellbeing programmes that make a difference to older people’s lives
- Sharing local information and useful contacts
To join MUSN, to sign up to our mailing list, or to raise concerns about an issue in your local area, contact tel: 078 1419 6935
For more information go to
Facebook @MidUlsterSeniors
Twitter: @musn_lcn
Mid Ulster Women’s Aid
Women’s aid provides a quality person centred, holistic service to women and children affected by all forms of domestic and sexual violence.
Women’s Aid also provides refuge, floating support, court support, crisis support, information and signposting. A range of courses and programmes for the wider community, women and children are also offered.
Based in Cookstown
Tel: 028 8676 9300
For more information go to
NHSCT – Health and Wellbeing Programme
A Health and Wellbeing of older people programme has been developed with the overall aim of supporting older people to maintain and improve their health and promote independence. All programmes last a maximum of 12 weeks and participants will work towards achieving agreed goals and objectives to enable them to live more independently within their own community. Self-referrals accepted.
Cookstown Day Centre, 2 Westland Road, Cookstown BT80 8BX
Tel: 028 8672 3900
Magherafelt Day Centre, 57 Hospital Road, Magherafelt BT45 5EG
Tel: 028 7936 5075
Maghera Day Centre, 26 Coleraine Road, Maghera BT46 5BN
Tel: 028 7964 3360
NHSCT – Positive Living Programme
Positive living programmes have been developed to provide participants the opportunity to explore and learn skills to enable them to identify and overcome stressors in their lives. The programme uses group methods which focus on the use of positive thought processes and techniques in the management of stress. The programme helps to improve social, interpersonal and communication skills, through education and group support and helps support people who have identified feelings of distress leading from concerns and worries. Self-referrals accepted.
Cookstown Day Centre, 2 Westland Road, Cookstown BT80 8BX
Tel: 028 8672 3900
Magherafelt Day Centre, 57 Hospital Road, Magherafelt BT45 5EG
Tel: 028 7936 5075
Maghera Day Centre, 26 Coleraine Road, Maghera BT46 5BN
Tel: 028 7964 3360
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Action on Elder Abuse
Working towards a society which values Older People, and a community where all adults can live a life free from abuse perpetrated by those in whom they have an expectation of trust by: Awareness Raising and Education, Direct Advice Guidance and Support (through a freephone helpline, practitioner’s forum and literature), Promoting Research and Projects Related to Elder Abuse and Informing Policy in this area.
Tel: 074 9666 3816
Elder Abuse Response Helpline: 080 8808 8141
For more information go to
Twitter: @AEA_NIreland
Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer’s Society is an organisation which works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Tel: 028 9066 4100
Helpline Tel: 030 0222 1122
For more information go to
Aware NI
Aware NI is a voluntary organisation dedicated to providing support and information for all those affected by depressive illnesses across Northern Ireland.
Tel: 028 9032 1734
Helpline Tel: 084 5120 2961
For more information go to
CAUSE is a peer-led charity in Northern Ireland directed and staffed by past and present carers. It provides practical and emotional support to relatives and carers of people with serious mental illness.
Tel: 028 9065 0650
Helpline Tel: 084 5603 0291
For more information go to
Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. No matter what your age or where you live in Northern Ireland, if you or someone you know is in distress or despair, Lifeline is here to help.
Tel: 080 8808 8000
For more information go to
Minds in Motion Magherafelt
Tel: 075 6171 7002
Tel: 028 7963 4834
Niamh Louise Foundation
“The aim of the Niamh Louise Foundation is to provide a safe environment where anyone can drop in to chat about worrying thoughts, thoughts of suicide and/ or self-harm. The Niamh Louise Foundation will provide love, understanding and respect with a non-judgemental listening ear”.
32 Coalisland Road Dungannon BT71 6LA
Tel: 028 8775 3327 / 0808 808 8000
For more information go to or
Inspire Wellbeing – Newhaven (previously NIAMH)
Newhaven provides 24 hour support to clients with mental health needs. It is funded from NHSCT & SP. We provide a recovery focused approach for six residents in a communal environment and promote person centred and client independence.
52 Burn Road Cookstown
Tel: 028 8676 1099
For more information go to
NHSCT Mental Health Team
Tel: 028 2766 6686
One More Light, Magherafelt Community Wellness
Tel: 077 1914 1593
Relate NI
Relate NI provides a confidential relationship counselling service for those who have relationship or marital problems.
Tel: 028 9032 3454
For more information go to
Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.
Tel: 028 9066 4422
For more information go to
S.T.E.P.S. Draperstown – Counselling Service
Email: or
The Olive Branch Counselling Service, Magherafelt
Tel: 028 7963 3688
Mobility Issues
British Red Cross Mobility Aids
British Red Cross Provides short term loans of mobility aids to people in need, including wheelchairs, commodes, walking sticks and Zimmer frames.
Tel: 077 3834 1753
For more information go to
Shopmobility Cookstown is a charitable organisation that provides a range of mobility equipment including manual wheelchairs, powered scooters and walking aids to assist those with mobility difficulties. You do not need to be registered disabled to use the equipment. Mobility difficulties could be as a result of age, illness, accident, amputation or any condition that affects your ability to get around. Membership is free and daily use is free. If equipment is required for a longer period then a small charge will apply. It is about encouraging independence, freedom, self-esteem and choice for people who are often excluded from society to re-integrate back into the community.
Using our Gobility van, we have been delivery wheelchairs to new and existing members throughout the district, to people with limited mobility. Whether it’s a hospital appointment, to get around the house or to the shops, having that independence during these difficult times has never been more important.
Based in the Burnavon Arts Centre, Cookstown, opening hours Monday – Friday 10:00am – 4:00pm
Tel: 028 8676 9656
For more information go to
Shopmobility/ Gobility Magherafelt
Shopmobility Magherafelt is a charitable organisation that provides a range of mobility equipment including manual wheelchairs, powered scooters and walking aids to assist those with mobility difficulties.
Shopmobility is open to everyone, young or old who feel getting around is difficult for them.
You do not need to be registered disabled to use the equipment. Mobility difficulties could be as a result of age, illness, accident, amputation or any condition that affects your ability to get around. Membership is free and daily use is free.
If equipment is required for a longer period then a small charge will apply. It is about encouraging independence, freedom, self-esteem and choice for people who are often excluded from society to re-integrate back into the community.
Using our Gobility van, we have been delivery wheelchairs to new and existing members throughout the district, to people with limited mobility. Whether it’s a hospital appointment, to get around the house or to the shops, having that independence during these difficult times has never been more important.
Based in Meadowlane Shopping Centre, Magherafelt, opening hours, Monday – Friday 10am – 4:00pm
Tel: 028 7930 0414
For more information go to
Facebook: @shopmobilitymagherafelt
Nutritional Needs
- Cookstown: 028 8676 9400
- Maghera: 077 5996 4550
- Magherafelt: 079 0005 5658
Luncheon Clubs
Involve House, Magherafelt
The ‘Carefully Yours’ project aims to promote the independence and well-being of an active ageing population, ensuring that people over 55 including those isolated or ‘difficult to reach’ are enabled to access information and services.
Involve House, 20 Queen Street Magherafelt BT45 6AB, weekly – Tuesday lunch club from 12:00pm
Tel: 028 7930 1862
For more information go to
Maghera Parish Caring Association
The Maghera Parish Caring Association provides a safe environment for older people to meet together and provides Tea on arrival, dinner and various activity groups.
Lurach Centre, Church Street, Maghera, weekly Monday lunch club from 10:00am – 1:00pm all year.
Tel: 028 7954 929
For more information go to
O4O Cookstown
O4O Cookstown seeks to provide services and support which improve the quality of life for people aged 50+ within the Cookstown area through the following: Luncheon club, meal delivery service, weekly activity schedule, day trips, activity classes, benefits checks, newsletter and information and signposting
18-20 Cookstown Enterprise Centre, Derryloran Industrial Estate, Sandholes Road, Cookstown, BT80 9LU, weekly activity schedule, luncheon club – 5 days a week, meal delivery service – 7 days a week
Tel: 028 8676 9005
For more information go to
Facebook: @o4ocookstownltd
Tradd/Ballymaguigan and Ballyronan Development Association provides a lunch and the opportunity for older people to meet together. Activities on offer are armchair aerobics.
Marina Centre, 135A Shore Road, Ballyronan BT45 6JA, weekly on a Friday all year round (except Christmas holidays)
Tel: 028 7941 7027
Termoneeny Community Association
We provide support and facilities through a range of social and recreational activities. The centre is open every day and runs classes such as Young at Heart, fitness classes etc. The Young at Heart Group meets on Thursdays from 11am-1pm and includes lunch.
Other groups that use our facilities include local Stroke Survivors group, M.S. Society, N.I Parkinson’s and we have a GP referral system with local doctors. Our gym/fitness suite is a huge success in that it is one of the few Inclusive Fitness Suites in N Ireland – which caters for the needs of disabled and non – disabled people.
Termoneeny Community Centre, 56 Quarry Lane, Gulladuff Magherafelt BT45 8NT
Tel: 028 7964 3202
For more information go to
POP NI – A Community Guide for Seniors Online in Northern Ireland
POP NI is a web portal for Older People in Northern Ireland. POP NI gathers information and news that could be of direct relevance to Older People in the North of Ireland, their families and those who work with them. The website provides a wealth of advice and guidance on free and independent support for Older People.
For more information and to sign up go to
Daycare Re-ablement Programmes
A variety of 16 week programmes for older people are held within the Day Centre to enable them to live more independently within their own community.
Cookstown Day Centre: Tel: 028 8672 3900
Maghera Day Centre: Tel: 028 7964 3360
Magherafelt Day Centre: Tel: 028 7936 5060
Stepping Towards Enhanced Postural Stability (STEPS Falls Prevention)
STEPS is a 16 week exercise and education programme. It is designed to help prevent falls and fractures and promote independent living. The programme is available to adults over 55 years of age. General Practitioners and any trust health and social care professional can make referrals.
Cookstown Day Centre, 2 Westland Road, Cookstown BT80 8BX
Tel: 028 8672 3900
Magherafelt Day Centre, 57 Hospital Road, Magherafelt BT45 5EG
Tel: 028 7936 5075
Maghera Day Centre, 26 Coleraine Road, Maghera BT46 5BN
Tel: 028 7964 3360
Home Care Re-ablement
The Home Care Re-ablement Service is a short term service for all new domiciliary care referrals which aims to assist people to regain skills and confidence to live as independently as possible within their own home and community.
Cookstown Day Centre: Tel: 028 8672 3900
Maghera Day Centre: Tel: 028 7964 3360
Magherafelt Day Centre: Tel: 028 7936 5060
Relate NI
Relate NI provides a confidential relationship counselling service for those who have relationship or marital problems.
Tel: 028 9032 3454
For more information go to
Skills &Training Courses
(contact the Navigator for courses in the community)
Network Personnel
Cookstown Tel: 028 8676 6078
Magherafelt Tel: 028 7963 1032
Northern Regional College, Magherafelt
Tel: 028 7963 2462
South Western College, Cookstown
Tel: 028 8225 0109
SUSE Plus (Step Up to Sustainable Employment)
Tel: 077 1809 7520
Northern Recovery College
Tel: 028 9441 3449
Volunteer Opportunities
What is Volunteering?
Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy, freely given without financial gain for the benefit of society. Volunteering is a way of becoming involved in your local community and/or hospital. Volunteers are located across the Trust, participating in a variety of ways all contributing to improving the patient experience. They are an integral part of the Trust and highly valued by staff, patients, service users and visitors.
Who can Volunteer?
Anyone can Volunteer. It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, a person with a disability, in paid work or not, there is something that everyone can do.
How could your health benefit from Volunteering?
- It will give you the opportunity to do something enjoyable
- It will enable you to make use of your special talents and interests
- You will gain valuable training and experience, which may benefit you in the future
- It can decrease your risk of depression. Volunteering with and for others increases social interaction and helps build a support system based on common commitment and interests—both of which have been shown to decrease depression.
- Enjoy a sense of purpose and fulfillment—increasing your self-confidence while you’re at it!
- Stay physically and mentally active. You can be moving and thinking at the same time.
- Reduce stress levels. By enjoying your time spent in service to others, you’ll feel a sense of meaning and appreciation—both given and received—which can be calming.
- Experience “The Happiness Effect.” You know that feel-good sense you get after a vigorous workout? It comes from a release of dopamine in the brain. Helping others has that exact same effect—so the more you volunteer, the happier you become!
Why Volunteer?
There are lots of reasons why people choose to become a volunteer within the Trust or local community. People volunteer because of personal experience, having more time on their hands, to meet new friends and also to gain valuable experience. People recovering from long term illnesses have seen volunteering as a means towards rehabilitation. Volunteering enables people to make new friends, gain new skills, increasing their confidence and ability.
The experience of volunteering in a community can often give volunteers an insight into how local community groups operate and survive. Most survive because of the commitment of their local volunteers.
Volunteering and Receiving Benefits……
If you are claiming benefits, volunteering should not affect your entitlement.
Age NI
Tel: 028 9024 5729
For more information go to
Community & Voluntary Services (Armagh & Dungannon)
Tel: 078 4347 8433
For more information go to
Causeway Volunteer Centre
Tel: 028 7035 8285
For more information go to
Mid Ulster Volunteer Centre
Tel: Cookstown 028 8676 1122
Tel: Magherafelt 028 7930 1862
For more information go to
North West Volunteer Centre
Tel: 028 7127 1017
For more information go to
Volunteer Now
Tel: 028 9023 2020
For more information go to
For more information about your local area, please contact Anita Kelly, Locality Community Navigator, Tel: 078 1419 6935 or email:
This list is intended to act as a guide to support services available for people living in Mid Ulster Locality area. Inclusion is not exhaustive and does not necessarily constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation of that organisation or service.
If you are aware of organisations/community groups that would like to be included in this directory (free of charge), please contact the community navigator.