Pain Management Programme


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic we have made some adjustments in how we deliver our Pain Management Programme. In order to ensure the safety of both our service users and clinicians, we are now offering a virtual programme through the video conferencing service “Zoom”. We recognise that accessing the programme via Zoom may not be suitable for everyone and we will continue to closely monitor current government guidance as to when we can safely resume face-to-face service provision; however in light of current guidance at this time we anticipate only offering virtual groups for the foreseeable future. In order to make the virtual PMP service as accessible as possible for service users we now include an individual Zoom coaching session prior to commencing the group to help our service users to build confidence and feel comfortable in using this technology.  Should you wish to speak to a member of the team about any of this please do not hesitate to contact us.

PMP service summary

The Northern Trust Pain Management Programme (PMP) is a multidisciplinary service that aims to help participants with chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) pain to better manage their condition and to improve their quality of life.

It is a group based intervention and is available to anyone who meets the referral criteria and who is experiencing mild to moderate difficulties managing or coping with their chronic MSK pain condition.  Referrals can be made by a healthcare professional.

The PMP team includes Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, and Clinical Psychologists; the programme also has input from a Doctor (a Consultant Anaesthetist). The doctor’s role is to offer education to the group on the medical understanding and current theories of what chronic pain is – please be aware that they do not offer medical treatment at these group sessions.

The programme aims to help people living with long-term MSK pain develop new ways to cope with and self-manage their pain. It provides education about chronic pain, as well as opportunities to gain confidence and learn new skills that may help to improve your management of pain.

Each session will focus on a specific topic and will involve a mixture of discussion, information giving, practical exercises and review of skills you have practised during and between sessions. Topics include understanding pain, managing mood and anxiety and learning ways to set achievable goals, to name but a few. These sessions will also provide time for light exercise and to learn relaxation skills. Participants are not required to discuss personal details of their health condition or circumstances in these shared sessions.  In addition to providing an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, group sessions also provide a chance to meet other people who might be struggling with similar issues in a supportive and relaxed environment.

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