Pre-Operative Assessment Service
If the Consultant decides that you require surgery or a procedure, The Pre-Operative assessment team are here to ensure you are fit to proceed with an operation and have all the information you require to meet your specific needs in preparation for anaesthetic.
You will be asked to complete the Pre-Op Health Questionnaire that has been given to you including all information requested about yourself.
If you receive the Questionnaire in the Outpatients Department, you should return it to a member of nursing staff who will forward it on to the Pre- Op Assessment Service.
If you have received the Questionnaire via post, you should complete and return to the Pre-Assessment service using the pre-paid envelope provided.
You may receive a phone call from the Pre Op Assessment service to ask questions about your health.
**The Pre-Op Health Questionnaire or phone call may be the only assessment you require.
The Pre-Op assessment clinic
If you take medication or have any medical conditions you may need to attend the Pre-Op Assessment clinic in Antrim or Causeway hospitals. At the clinic you will be seen by a Pre-Op Assessment Nurse or an Anaesthetist and any necessary tests will be arranged. Tests may include blood tests, X-ray, ECG (heart trace) or breathing tests.
You will also receive important information in preparation for your operation and will have the chance to ask questions.
The Pre-Assessment Team can be contacted Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm.
Enquiries relating to Pre-operative assessment or information on procedures carried out in Antrim Area Hospital, Causeway Hospital, Mid Ulster Hospital or Whiteabbey Hospital can be made by contacting one of the teams.