
What is Pause?

Pause Northern Trust works creatively with women who have experienced the removal of one or more of their children. This process is traumatic and painful for women. It often results in feelings of shame, stigma and anger; grieving for the loss of their child(ren), whilst also feeling blamed and ashamed as a result. We work intensively with women whilst they have no children in their care, for a period of 18 months.

Women working with Pause have often experienced a range of complex traumas throughout their lives which has impacted on their ability to cope with stressful situations. It can sometimes show itself in the woman’s behaviour towards others, including professionals.

Pause Practitioners support women in a range of ways, including attending appointments with them and partner agencies. Pause women find this kind of approach helpful so that they can improve their confidence with making changes they have identified as important in their life. This does not mean that their children will return to their care but means that they can live the life they want to, for themselves, making choices and informed decisions about their future, that will hopefully break the cycle of repeat removal.

The Pause Project is based in Firmount Drive Antrim and can be accessed via professional referral by emailing:  

Tel: 028 94481760



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