Condition Management Programme (CMP)

Are you struggling to start or remain in work due to a physical and/or mental health condition? If yes, then the Condition Management Programme (CMP) could help you.

This is a 12 week programme of short, work focused, cognitive educational interventions aimed at helping clients to understand and manage their health conditions.  A multidisciplinary team of health professionals work together to offer clients help and support to cope with single or multiple health conditions that are causing a barrier to work.

The programme aims to help you:

  • Manage your health condition
  • Become engaged in more purposeful activity
  • Return to work either now or in the future

Who is CMP for?

CMP is for people with physical or mental health conditions who claim Employment Support Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance or Universal Credit and are motivated to make positive changes.

If you are currently in work and are receiving support from ‘WorkableNI’ or ‘Access to Work’ you can also participate in CMP.

How do I access CMP?

To access CMP, just ring the CMP office 028 2563 5250 and make a self-referral to the programme.  Otherwise you can speak to an Employment Advisor at your local Jobs & Benefits office, or a NHSCT Health Care Professional you currently attend and they will be happy to make the referral.

Who are the CMP team?

The team have various specialist healthcare professionals with a wide range of experience in many areas of health.

Depending on your needs you may work with one or more of our team members:

  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Dietician
  • Specialist Mental Health Nurse
  • Support Worker

What does CMP involve?

CMP involves meeting a healthcare professional on a one-to-one basis, to discuss your specific health needs in confidence. If you both agree that CMP could be useful, then together you design a personalised action plan.

The programme offers advice on:

  • Dealing with stress, anxiety, low mood/depression
  • Coping with pain and fatigue
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Communicating with confidence
  • Developing a healthier lifestyle
  • Looking after your back
  • Exploring potential work options

Condition Management Programme

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