Care Home Engagement Event

Home Care Engagement event

The second Northern Health and Social Care Trust care home engagement event took place on 29th March 2023 in Tullyglass Hotel, Ballymena.

The event provided Trust delegates, care home providers and strategic colleagues with an update on the progress being made on the global objective to develop in partnership a ‘care home support and clinical governance framework’ and to feedback on four concentrated work streams which will contribute to this objective:

Remodelling the Permanent Placement Team – which aims to deliver timely resident care management reviews and to improve relationships, enable honest discussions and partnership working.
The development of a Northern Trust data collection platform – which will aim to reduce care home data collection duplication and enable mutual oversight and early recognition of care homes who require early additional support.
Development of a support, governance and early alert system – which will prompt proactive in-reach support pathways and a comprehensive escalation model.
Testing a model of anticipatory care in one residential care home setting – to introduce an education programme on the use of resource tools detecting early resident decline. This would enhance a collaborative approach to care home residents being cared for in their wellness, and to identify any early decline and safe ongoing management in their preferred place of care if appropriate.

Invitations were issued to care home independent providers via the Trust’s Partnerhub and Contracts department.

28 delegates attended, including 11 care home staff representing eight care homes operating with the Northern Area.  External guests included representation from RQIA, Patient Client Council, Department of Health and the Public Health Agency.

The event was opened by Diane Spence, Director of Community Care and was coordinated by the work stream Co–Chairs, Elizabeth Graham, Assistant Director of Nursing Innovation and Development, Alison Campbell-Smyth, Assistant Director of Community Care and Patrick Maguire, Business Manager Community Care.

The delegates were provided with updates on the work streams and were asked through facilitation, to feedback on their views on work progressed to date.

Engagement was intentionally open and informal in delivery, which allowed for honest feedback and further appreciative inquiry.

Looking ahead, the Trust will continue progressing the work streams, with membership and contribution by care home partners welcomed and encouraged. A further engagement event will take place during the summer.


Included in the image are Lyn Buckley, Senior Inspector RQIA, Diane Spence, Director Community Care, Keli Farrell, Care Home Unit, Patient and Client Council, Caroline Leckey, Nurse Consultant Older People, Public Health Agency,  Elizabeth Graham, Assistant Director, Nursing Innovation & Development, Alison Campbell-Smyth, Assistant Director, Community Care, at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust care home engagement event.



7th April 2023

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