Appointment of Health and Social Care Trust Non-Executive Directors

The Department of Health has announced the appointment of Health and Social Care Trust Non-Executive Directors.

New appointees to the Northern Health and Social Care Trust are Scott Armstrong and George Platt as Non-Executive (Lay) Directors. Their appointments will commence on 1 March 2024 and end on a date not later than 29 February 2028.

Scott Armstrong is the Market Unit Director for Expleo Group in Northern Ireland and has been a member of the senior management team in Ireland for over 16 years. With over 25 years’ experience in the IT industry, he has held a range of director roles in sales, operations and delivery management.  Scott was central to the success and growth of Expleo NI, which has been a critical partner in large IT system implementations across the public and private sectors. His remit now also includes the transport, retail, and public sector markets throughout Ireland. He is an MSc graduate of Queen’s University Belfast, and holds distinctions in the Certificate and Diploma in Company Direction qualifications from the Institute of Directors. Scott is also a Non-Executive Director and Trustee on the Board of HMS Caroline, the Belfast Museum and visitor attraction.

George Platt is a graduate of University College, Durham University, where he achieved his master’s degree in chemistry before undertaking subsequent research at Pai Chai University and Seoul National University on the Korean Government Scholarship Programme. George previously worked in scientific research, lecturing and project management roles before joining the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) on the new Graduate Management Programme in 2023. In 2023 George was a participant of the EU global cultural relations platform in Madrid and was also invited to represent the United Kingdom as its delegate and steering group member of the 13th UNESCO youth forum in Paris. Outside of his work with the NICS, George is a member of the Emerging Leaders programme at the William J Clinton Leadership Institute, Queen’s University Belfast, and serves on the global advisory board of Generation Democracy, an international network which seeks to promote the meaningful participation of young people in decision-making processes and civic activity around the world.

The appointments are made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland.

Each HSC Trust has a statutory obligation to put and keep in place arrangements for monitoring and improving the quality of health and social care which it provides to individuals and the environment in which it provides them (Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (NI) Order 2003).

The Board is the governing body of each Trust.  Boards comprise a Non-Executive Chair and seven Non-Executive Directors along with five Executive Directors including the Chief Executive.

28th February 2024

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