What is CLIMB?

CLIMB is a support programme for children aged 5 – 11 years old whose parent or a significant other (e.g. grandparent, aunt or sibling) in their life has a cancer diagnosis.

It is an enjoyable, sharing, interactive experience and a time for the children to come together to deal with their feelings. Throughout the programme the children will develop an understanding of cancer and from this the myths and fears that children can hold about cancer will be dispelled.

CLIMB is held once a week for 6 weeks in the evenings.

Session topics include:

  • All about me
  • What is cancer?
  • It’s OK to feel sad
  • Cancer can be scary
  • It’s not fair!
  • Graduation ceremony

The groups are creative, using drama, arts and play. They are based on having fun together and meeting new friends.

The CLIMB programme is offered free of charge and the facilitators have been specially trained. The children will also have a tour of Laurel House to see how everything works and to help explain cancer and its treatment.

What about the adults?

Parents and carers attending with their children will have the opportunity to chat and relax in an adjoining room.

To register for the CLIMB programme or for more information please contact Macmillan Information and Support Service or contact your Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Review from a parent whose children participated in CLIMB

“This programme has taken the strain and worry out of talking to the children about cancer, as it has been explained and talked about in a child friendly way. Thank you all so much.”

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