Macmillan Information and Support Service
Finding out that you or someone close to you has cancer can be a difficult and confusing time. The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service is here to help – whether you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, or you’re a family member, carer or friend.
How we can help
A member of our staff or one of our trained and dedicated volunteers will listen to your worries and concerns and offer free confidential support and advice.
We are able to provide
- Leaflets and booklets on all aspects of living with and beyond cancer
- Access to benefits advice and other sources of financial help
- Signposting to local services such as counselling, complementary therapies, physical activity programmes and more
- Access to practical help such as transport, help at home and travel insurance
- An opportunity to discuss work related issues such as finding the words to speak to your employer, understanding your rights at work and what resonable adjustments may enable you to remain in or return to work
- Access to support programmes to help you cope with the effects of cancer both during and after treatment e.g. fatigue management workshops
- Signposting to family support services
The service provides information and support over the phone or by email for those not able to access the service in person.
Some of our resources are available in different languages and other formats.
Contact us
The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service can be contacted Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays)
Telephone: 028 9442 4000 Ext 333079 / 334046 (answer phone available)
Mobile: 077 9584 5435
How to find us
If you are in the north coast area visit the Macmillan Information Area situated at the main entrance of Causeway Hospital, Coleraine. Macmillan staff and volunteers are present at various times throughout the week (see poster at entrance for details). Centre opening hours: open daily from 8am to 9pm.