Cardiology Services
Cardiology Services are provided at Antrim Area and Causeway Hospitals.
At Antrim Area hospital, there are 35 beds for inpatients. The Coronary Care Unit (CCU) has 8 beds and Ward B3 has 27 beds.
At Causeway hospital there are 14 beds for inpatients. These beds are in the Coronary Care Medical Monitoring Unit (CCMMU).
We provide comprehensive care for patients with different heart conditions, including ischaemic heart disease (heart attack and angina), rhythm disturbances, and heart failure and heart valve diseases. Patients are prepared for cardiac investigations such as coronary angiography (dye test), pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators and we also provide pre and post procedure care for patients undergoing heart surgery.
Antrim Area hospital works closely with Belfast Health and Social Care Trust cardiology department and Causeway hospital works closely with Western Health and Social Care Trust cardiology department, liaising closely with the schedulers ensuring that all procedures are completed in a timely manner, supported by NICE guidelines.
In both hospitals, there is a team of highly trained staff who are responsible for the day to day running of the department. They all endeavour to provide high quality person centred care for all inpatients.
Cardiac Investigations
At both hospital sites we offer a wide range of cardiac investigations and imaging modalities which help the doctors to make diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment. Tests provided at both hospitals are:
- Exercise Stress Test (Treadmill)
- Cardiac rhythm monitoring
- 24hr blood pressure monitoring
- Echocardiography
- Cardiac CT
Antrim Area hospital only:
- Transthoracic and trans-oesophageal echocardiography (TOE)
- Cardiac MRI
- Myocardial perfusion Imaging (MPI)
Cardiac Physiologists carry out checks on pacemakers and other implanted cardiac devices at specialist clinics.
Direct Current Cardioversion Clinic (DCC Clinic)
This service is provided for patients who have atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat). In Antrim Area hospital, a clinic is held weekly in the Programmed Treatment Unit (PTU). Patients are referred to this unit by a Cardiologist or Specialty doctor. Patients receive an appointment for their treatment and two days prior to the appointment a member of staff from the Coronary Care Unit will contact the patient/service user by telephone to ensure that they are on the correct medication and clarify any concerns they may have.
Patients usually attend the cardiac investigation unit in Antrim Hospital on the morning of their appointment prior to admission to the Programmed Treatment Unit (PTU). Patients are treated and discharged from PTU.
Causeway hospital, Direct Current Cardioversion Clinic (DCC) is provided 2 to 3 times per week in the Coronary Care Unit (CCU). Patients are treated and discharged the same day.
Rapid Angina Assessment Clinic (RAAC)
This service provides urgent assessment for patients complaining of chest pains. Clinics are available in both Antrim Area and Causeway Hospitals. Patients are referred by General Practitioners (GP) and Emergency Department doctors.
Heart Failure Service
This is a nurse-led service which provides outpatient care and support for patients living with heart failure and their families. The outpatient clinics are held at the following five sites within the Trust – Antrim hospital, Ballymena Health and Care Centre, Causeway Hospital, Mid Ulster Hospital and Whiteabbey Hospital. The heart failure specialist nurses are non-medical prescribers and are supported by Consultant Cardiologists who are based at Antrim and Causeway Hospitals.
The service aims to improve quality of life for patients by reducing symptoms and improving survival, reducing hospital admissions, avoiding adverse effects from treatment and improving end-of life experiences. The heart failure nurses are involved in devising an individual care plan for each patient. This includes optimising heart failure medication, clinical monitoring and providing advice and information on self-management and lifestyle issues. They liaise with other hospital and community based health care professionals to provide continuity of care and support for patients and their families. The role also includes acting as a resource for other staff, as well as being involved in audit and service improvement initiatives.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Service
This service is provided to patients following a myocardial infarction (Heart attack), coronary artery bypass grafting, Valve surgery, percutaneous coronary intervention /stent insertion and heart failure. Referrals are accepted via in-reach to the cardiology wards in Antrim and Causeway Hospitals, other hospital cardiac rehabilitation teams, GPs and through self-referral. It aims to integrate services between the hospital and community settings, providing a seamless service to all service users to enhance recovery and improve quality of life. This is provided on the Whiteabbey, Mid-Ulster, Causeway and Antrim Hospital.
British Heart Foundation
Chest and Heart Foundation