Drugs and Alcohol Mental Health (Step 3 CAMHS)

The Drugs and Alcohol Mental Health Team provide assessment and targeted therapeutic intervention for children and young people who present with a significant substance misuse problem, as well a moderate to severe emotional and physical needs mental health concerns. This is often referred to as a co-morbid presentation or dual diagnosis.

The team provides assessment and intervention to young people and families to reduce and/or abstain substance use through therapeutic treatments and intervention. Alongside this, the team offers support and consultation to practitioners both internal to CAMHS and externally within the communities as a form of outreach.

This team aims to provide high quality, evidence-based assessment, support and intervention by working collaboratively with the young person, their family/carers. One of the key aims of the team is to provide a safe, equitable and accessible service for children and young people, and their families, most in need of the drug and alcohol mental health support.


Referrals to Drugs and Alcohol Mental Health Team (CAMHS, Step 3) can be made by any healthcare, social work or education professional or voluntary/community agencies through the Children’s Referral Service (CRS).

Email: camhs.crs@northerntrust.hscni.net

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This service operates Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

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